4 Awesome Anti-Covid Songs That Will Make You Smile

by Stucky

Have I ever steered you wrong?  No!  So, let’s get on with it.

The first three songs are from a guy that sounds like someone famous. The first selection is “Outtayerdaminde“.  It’s like watching People Of Walmart on super steroids.   The images come at you fast and furious … so, I played it a second time at one-quarter speed to better inspect the lunacy. Warning; you will either laugh at the fucked-upness of American libtards, or you will fear for America.

The next one is “Jesus … What Happened To Us“.  Damn good question, isn’t it?  It’s actually a sad song to watch … covers pretty much everything that’s turning this country into a shit-hole.

A wistful haunting tune that I’d like to dedicate to T4C, and the other brave souls here on TBP who despite pressures to take the Shit Shot respond with “I Won’t Back Down!”

Coronavirus Rhapsody!!“.  Pretty good voice for an amateur!  And the parodied lyrics are spot on.



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