'Audit the Fed' bill gets new push under Trump – “It is time to force the Federal Reserve to operate by the same standards of transparency and accountability to the taxpayers that we should demand of all government agencies,”

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Controversial legislation to subject the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy powers to outside scrutiny is getting new life in Washington.
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) have re-introduced legislation to “Audit the Fed,” after a similar effort stalled in the last Congress.
But such a proposal, which has been vocally opposed by Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen, may face its best odds ever of becoming law. Both chambers are controlled by Republicans long critical of the Fed’s policies, and President-elect Donald Trump has heaped scorn on the central bank since the beginning of his presidential campaign.
Paul specifically mentioned Trump in a statement about the bill Wednesday, making clear the measure’s proponents believe they have an ally in their cause coming to the White House.
“The U.S. House has responded to the American people by passing Audit the Fed multiple times, and President-elect Trump has stated his support for an audit. Let’s send him the bill this Congress,” said Paul.



6 thoughts on “'Audit the Fed' bill gets new push under Trump – “It is time to force the Federal Reserve to operate by the same standards of transparency and accountability to the taxpayers that we should demand of all government agencies,””

  1. It may just be ONE of the many reasons he was killed but, JFK was going to audit and shut down the Federal Reserve. He even wrote and signed EO #11110, which still might be law today. UNLESS, LBJ had it annulled. I don’t know. Will take someone a whole lot smarter than I to figure that out.
    Anyway, I fear for Donald in a big, big way now. There are NO boundaries for the deep state.

    • Mess with da FED, Ya END up DEAD. Best I recall LBJ did not revoke EO11110. He just called back ALL Silver Certificates on something like day two of his presidency and took the silver out of the coins a little latter. Nixon took us off the Gold Standard!

  2. It’s great to see Rand take up the cause of his Dad to audit the Fed. Dr. Paul’s book on the subject should be required reading for anyone considering a career in politics, economics, or finance. The Republicans may hold a majority in both House and Senate, but the banksters have 90% of those characters in their back pocket. Is anything does reach the President’s desk, it will be a shadow of its former self and likely no enforcement provision whatsoever.


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