Border Patrol cannot see path forward under Biden: ‘There is no morale’

(Washington Examiner) EXCLUSIVE from AUSTIN, Texas — U.S. Border Patrol agents stationed along the southern border have nothing left in the tank.

For months, agents have warned that morale within the ranks of the federal law enforcement organization is sinking, but the last shreds of spirit have since been dashed by outright animosity from the Biden administration, agents told the Washington Examiner.

“Under Biden, things are the worst they have ever been by far,” said one agent who is based in Arizona. “Agents are calling in all the time. You always hear, ‘It doesn’t matter,’ or, ‘What’s the point?’ in reference to doing our job. Agents are afraid of ending up on the news for doing their job or getting in trouble for doing their job. There is no morale.”

Eight agents and managers assigned to the southern border spoke with the Washington Examiner on the condition of anonymity about their experiences working during the largest migration event in U.S. history. The physical workload has been brutal, as has the change in policies from President Donald Trump to Joe Biden. But the biggest factor in the demoralization of the Border Patrol has been the feeling that Biden has demonized agents for enforcing immigration laws that lawmakers like him passed in Congress.

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