C-SPAN Taken Over By RT (RUSSIA TODAY) For Ten Minutes Today – Very Interesting Feed From RT.

by Pamela Williams
It must have been quite exciting at C-SPAN today. Representative Maxie Waters was on the House Floor speaking, when suddenly the live feed went straight to RT. You have to watch this video! I do not think it was router problems, as what C-SPAN said. The bottom feed said: ” US Justice Department Inspector General To Review FBI’s Actions In Clinton Email Scandal.” Then on the screen it said: “Back to Poland”…which it was announced today by Putin that he considers NATO Troops being sent to the border of Poland a threat to National Security.
I am not saying that Russia hacked C-SPAN, but I am saying it was almost as if we were being mocked in some way. Who knows anymore what is going on? It was funny in my opinion. I doubt C-SPAN is laughing. The video is at this link:

Multiple C-SPAN watchers made mention of the sudden change on Twitter, including Deadspin editor Timothy Burke, who captured the moment the C-SPAN feed switched to RT. 



The takeover reportedly lasted about 10 minutes before the C-SPAN feed returned. The interruption does not appear on the saved broadcast hosted on the network’s website.
Viewers who caught the original broadcast and the subsequent clip shared on Twitter assumed the interruption was the result of Russian hacking.


BTimes also reached out to Russia Today but has not yet received a response.
The apparent takeover of the C-SPAN feed by RT comes after reports of Russian hackers interfering with the U.S. Presidential election. It is believed that  Russian president Vladimir Putin was directly involved in the hacking efforts, which resulted in the theft and publication of private emails belonging to the  Democratic National Committee and  David Podesta, the chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.
U.S. intelligence chiefs are in apparent agreement that Russia attempted to  influence the outcome of the election to benefit Donald Trump.

In conclusion,  I think it made for a very funny C-SPAN interruption.  The music which was playing on RT was light-hearted and reminded me of the tropics.  You will have to watch the video, or you will have missed a good laugh at C-SPAN’s expense.

3 thoughts on “C-SPAN Taken Over By RT (RUSSIA TODAY) For Ten Minutes Today – Very Interesting Feed From RT.”

  1. Analysis: In all probability, RT didn’t ‘do’ anything but broadcast its normal signal. It was an electronic switching error on the feed. It had nothing to do with the sources …. and there was no ‘hacking’, which some clueless people are spouting. In the end, considering what is going on, it’s all very amusing and ironic … and convenient, if some party connected with the politically dispossessed deliberately chose to manipulate the signal to function as an ‘appearance’ of ‘Russian intrusion’, which would be believed only by the clueness and non-astute. There are a LOT of really stupid, clueless people out there.

  2. Hilarious…. Well, clearly RT didn’t do it. There’s probably a network of hackers out there that are miffed at blaming Russia for the Clinton emails & DNC leaks. Some believe Seth Rich was murdered for leaking the DNC…. Some say active CIA agents leaked HRC server info, after she named 3 undercover agents, who were killed shortly after she named them in an email.


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