Calling All Conservative Billionaires: I Have the Plan to Save America & GOP

by Wayne Allyn Root

Lots of Republicans have ideas and plans to find better candidates and to raise more money for 2022 and 2024. That’s not the answer. These plans won’t work.

Take my home state of Nevada. Trump won the presidency in 2016, but still lost Nevada by about 27,000 votes. Then in 2020, when Trump got the most votes of any Republican candidate in the history of America, he lost Nevada by about 33,000 votes.

Nevada is a purple battleground state. Just like Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Trump lost those six states by razor thin margins. That was the whole enchilada. If Trump wins four of those six states, he wins the presidency by an electoral landslide.

The answer is simple: we need more Republican voters in those six battleground states. And we need Voter ID and strict voter laws to prevent voter fraud.

We also need more GOP voters in Florida and Texas. If we ever lose either Florida or Texas, the GOP can never win another national election.

I have the answer.

Mohammed Ali said “It aint bragging, if you can back it up.” I agree. I’m one of the best TV and radio pitchmen in history. I’ve sold about half a billion dollars of different products on TV and radio. I know how to sell a message.

Now I want to sell the Republican Party.

I want to start with Nevada as a test case. Once I prove my plan works for Nevada, it can be rolled out anywhere in the USA.

What Nevada needs is more GOP voters. I want to bring 100,000 to 200,000 new GOP voters to my home state of Nevada. Remember Trump lost Nevada by 27,000 and 33,000 votes. If Nevada were to add 100,000 GOP voters, or better yet 200,000 GOP voters, Trump would have won Nevada by a landslide in both elections. And the GOP would control every elected office in Nevada.

What’s my plan? It’s so simple. Form a PAC, and raise several million dollars from a group of conservative millionaires and billionaires. Then use that money to buy media in California and pitch, pitch, pitch. It’s the easiest sale in history.

California is finished. California is dominated by illegal aliens; felons; lazy welfare addicts; homeless tents everywhere; greedy government employee unions; and crazy socialist politicians who want to tax productive citizens to death, and turn America into Venezuela.

In short, California has gone insane. It’s a failed state. No business owner, or middle-class citizen can survive there. No conservative or Christian can speak publicly there. That’s why this is the easiest sales pitch ever. Every conservative, Christian and patriot is already thinking about leaving California.

My PAC will spend millions on TV and radio in California with this message…

“Attention California Republican voters. Over six million Californians voted for President Trump in 2020. California has more Republican voters than any other state in America. Yet you’re all wasting your vote. No Republican will ever again win in California. Your hard work is wasted too. California has the highest taxes in the nation. They’re stealing your money. In Nevada the state takes 0. We have no income tax. Your money is yours to keep.

It’s time to leave California. Before it’s too late. You are being overwhelmed by massive taxes, violent crime, illegals, the homeless and censorship and persecution of conservatives. And don’t forget…your vote is wasted.

Come to Nevada where the taxes are 0; with the money you save on taxes your mortgage is free; we have more sunshine than California; and your vote counts here.

Together we can flip Nevada red forever. Please move to Nevada today!”

With my sales talents on TV and radio, with that pitch, Nevada will become a red state by 2024. And as soon as the GOP wins the state, we pass strict Voter ID laws. Nevada will be red forever.

Once we’ve proven this plan works, it can be replicated in every battleground state. And Texas and Florida. This is how we take back America- one state at a time.

There were over 13 million Republican votes in just 4 deep blue states in 2020: California, New York, New Jersey and Illinois. If just a small percentage of those 13 million Republican voters can be persuaded to relocate to battleground states, we win everything!

Calling all conservative millionaires and billionaires. Now the ball is in your court. Fund my PAC, follow my plan, and we win the White House in 2024.

Wayne Allyn Root is the author of the new #1 national bestselling book, “TRUMP RULES.” Wayne is a CEO, entrepreneur and host of the nationally-syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Radio Network, daily from 6 PM to 9 PM EST and the “WAR RAW” podcast. To find out more about Wayne Allyn Root and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at



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