CIA Backed AIDE To Obama's Syrian "Moderate" REBELS Comes To A Screeching HALT!

by Pamela Williams
I am so happy to report that Obama’s CIA backed so-called moderate Syrian rebels are not receiving their paydays any longer. Last month the money did not come, and the Obama gang is really up in arms about being cut out of CIA loop. I think it would be more accurate to say, they are down in arms, so they cannot give anymore to ISIS. Now they will all defect to the ISIS camp, as if they had not already, but Obama never gave up on them…(sarcasm). Hillary and Obama must be so upset to learn aide had been frozen to their Muslim Brotherhood trained rebels. I hope they don’t come and get even now with Hill and Obama. I worry about those two, as they have become so impotent.
The CIA declined comment on the reported freeze in support. A Qatari official said his government had nothing to say on the matter. Turkish officials said only they could not discuss “operational details”. There was no word from Saudi Arabia. Reuters confirmed the freeze with officials from five of the FSA groups that have been recipients of financial and military support from the so-called “MOM operations room”. It was also confirmed by two other senior FSA figures briefed on the matter. They spoke on condition of anonymity given the covert nature of the CIA-backed program and the sensitivity of the subject.
Before assuming office, Trump suggested he could end support for FSA groups and give priority to the fight against Islamic State (IS), whose well-armed jihadists hold large tracts of eastern and central Syria. However, the ever proud CIA says this is not an action being taken by Trump, as if he tells them everything. They say he has yet to clarify his policy on rebel funding, but do you believe that? I don’t, but I have to say I am elated to hear those rebels are finally going down. Assad needs to be left alone, and the US needs to help wipe out ISIS…not Assad.

Rebels deny being abandoned

Several rebels believed the aid halt was temporary, with new arrangements expected, but there was no clarity yet. Confirming the freeze, two senior FSA sources said donor states were aiming to send the aid to one, unified fighting force – a coherence that has eluded rebels throughout Syria’s civil war.
One of the FSA officials said he did not expect the rebels to be abandoned as they represent the best hope for blocking a further expansion of Sunni militant influence in Syria, and to fight back against the growing role of Iran there.
Military aid to rebel groups has ebbed and flowed throughout the life of the program, U.S. officials said, as Washington and its allies have kept a close eye on any leakage to more militant factions, something one official called “a constant problem”.
Before assuming office, Trump suggested he could end support for FSA groups and give priority to the fight against Islamic State (IS), whose well-armed militants hold large tracts of eastern and central Syria.
But Trump’s administration has yet to declare a firm policy towards Syria and Iraq, despite his repeated vows to eradicate IS, so it has been “business as usual” with covert and overt training and military support programs, one U.S. official said.


Published on Dec 8, 2016

Democratic Congresswoman Tusli Gabbard told Jake Tapper that rebel groups supported by the U.S. in Syria have links to terror groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS.


8 thoughts on “CIA Backed AIDE To Obama's Syrian "Moderate" REBELS Comes To A Screeching HALT!”

  1. Yeah, why dont we call ot for what it is, namely an Judeo-Christianity that is pure evil, killed millions, displaced more millions, stolen and plundered for billions, and why dont we use that, narrative, huh, IWB, whom likes to make stupid equations as Islam=evil, while they didnt started any this wars, it was You.
    Jesus loving peaceful people, and peace it is, when the land is turned to gravel, radioactive dust ready to kill for eons to come, and all for some pipe lines wankeeBoy, and still you manage to blame Islam for everything.
    This M. L. Pen is an hideous creature, and an neoCON/Israeli bitch, and dont even bother to talk about Libya, Syria, Mali, And so on, in the election, and even when we know France is and was behind this invasion, they hide them self, this scums behind hatred for Islam.
    I cant think this Mufti should consider the head scarf missing to be any problem what so ever, whom on earth have stated that.
    So, where do we stand in this rape of reality, and filled with bullshit to an extent its downright unimaginable high level.
    MLP is an cardboard figure, sprays nonsense and ignorance, even worse than her father was capable of.
    And the rest of the candidates aint worth an rats ass.
    Yeah, fake news, IWB, be careful with what you will for, it may come thru.

    • “Peace” hypocrite! Thanks for the threat! You are delusional to believe that Obama and Hillary have succeeded in their half-assed rebel training program. Our own weapons ended up in the hands of ISIS. You ok with that? Maybe you are…..

    • Why do you blame Christians, and give Saudi Arabia ,Turkey and Qatar a free pass? The U.S. power brokers are Neocon & Neoliberal Satanists….. The citizens have very little influence in foreign affairs……… So the U.S. is no different than any other Country.


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