Crimes without Consequences – The Clinton Amendment


The time has come to face reality.  Some American citizens are superior to others as far as justice under the law is concerned.  They just are.
Take the Clintons for example.  Allegedly, they have been on a crime spree since they took control of the Governor’s Mansion in Arkansas back in 1979.  And maybe earlier than that for all we know.  But they are never held to account.  Never.  Rather than list all the Clintonian scandals and criminal accusations here, you can google them online and see the sordid details for yourself.  The Clintons are representative of certain members of the political class for whom justice doesn’t seem to apply.
Wall Street executives are another breed apart as far as the law is concerned.  Not one of them has been indicted for the enormous pain they inflicted on Americans by trading dubious mortgage-backed securities and other fraudulent schemes that pockmarked the Great Recession of 2007-2009.  Apparently, it wasn’t enough of a gift for them to escape criminal accountability, these well-heeled individuals were bailed out with taxpayer money and have prospered ever since.  The banksters are representative of certain members of the donor class for whom justice doesn’t seem to apply.
To punctuate the outrage, we have top law enforcement officials within the U.S. Department of Justice, who place themselves above the law — laws that they assiduously impose on common folk who have no pull.  The unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats at the DOJ and the FBI have the temerity to stiff-arm congress, when it seeks to exercise its constitutional power to oversee them.  These deep-state officials aren’t satisfied to stonewall the legislative branch of government alone, they also defy the judicial branch of government when they willfully temporize and fail to fully comply with Freedom-of-Information-Act requests.  Weasel law enforcement officers and corrupt prosecutors earn the contempt of the people when they hide behind their badges and exempt well-connected individuals from the laws they apply to others.  The more arrogant ones believe it is their divine right to apply or obstruct justice as they see fit for political reasons.   
Make no mistake, the law applies to the vast majority of Americans as it should, but there are notable exceptions that can’t be denied.  The concept of equal justice under the law is an ideal, not a universal reality, as demonstrated time and time again to our collective chagrin.  
Perhaps, it’s time to acknowledge this iniquity and do something about it.  Rather than go through the tedious and time-consuming amendment process specified in the U.S. Constitution, we can cut to the chase.  Just have congress take a simple vote of acclamation that stipulates there are and always have been certain individuals that are above the law.  Congress shouldn’t have any problem with this legislation because some of them enjoy preferential legal treatment or can be considered above-the-law beneficiaries-in-waiting.  Befittingly, such an act of congress would be called the Clinton Amendment in recognition of the Clintons’ unparalleled contribution to the disparity of justice in America.
Rather than deface court buildings throughout the land by chiseling away the inscription “Equal Justice Under Law,” we can simply add a small asterisk after the motto.  We don’t even have to explain in small letters what the asterisk means because we all know there are privileged people in our country, who are inoculated against plebeian concerns such as compliance with the law.  
The formal acknowledgement of uneven justice has therapeutic value as follows:

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  • Eliminates the cost and futility of investigating certain individuals who routinely run afoul of the law only to see them get off every single time with shit-eating grins plastered across their faces.
  • Conspiracy theories about a rigged justice system are validated.
  • No more railing at double standards because we will have embraced inequality under the law as a fact of life.
  • The wisdom and serenity of accepting what cannot be changed.

If we accept that a sliver of our population is above the law, our sensibilities will be less aggrieved.  We can teach our kids that this is a fact of life in America so that they are not confused when they observe an esoteric group of people getting away with crimes that would send them to the hoosegow in a heartbeat.
Perhaps, as a sort of recompense, we can establish a Hall of Shame, whereby annual prizes are awarded to a small cadre of Americans who manage to evade the arm of the law all the time.  A panel of law-abiding citizens from disparate backgrounds can be assembled to identify above-the-law individuals for special recognition similar to the way sportswriters elect gifted ballplayers into the Baseball Hall of Fame.  The dubious distinction of entry into the Hall of Shame should make the disgraced recipients radioactive to anyone who entertains thoughts of doing business with them.
Sure, it would be better to have the miscreants indicted and forced to stand trial before a jury of their peers.  But how often does that happen?  The answer is it never seems to happen for a select class of individuals, which leaves us frustrated and angry.  
It’s time we admit that there are crimes that go unpunished and will remain unpunished.  Crimes without consequences is a way of life for the few, the proud, the untouchables.  Let’s face it, we have a small group of American elites in our midst, who fear no laws because justice will never be brought to their doorstep.


9 thoughts on “Crimes without Consequences – The Clinton Amendment”

  1. I’m getting yelled at on another site by Trumpersters who tell me ‘they’re going down’.
    I said that they sound JUST LIKE Obmaphelias did when he was prez’; All the hope and change and how different everything was going to be….
    IF….anything happens, I’ll be quite surprised.

  2. the Roman catholic church used to SELL sin removals ,you just PAID the priest to remove the sins all set to go!
    NOW you pay the government worker to forgive your CRIMES????
    with the jews running the government what could possibly go wrong with the NEXT 911?


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