Eric Pulier & Vatom Inc Introduce Us To The Future Of The Internet

Eric Pulier’s “Vatom, Inc.” has spent approximately five years constructing the company and its product offerings. The marquee product: Vatom Platform, an advance in human engagement that promises to usher in the future of the internet.

One of the modules in the platform, the Spatial Web, seamlessly blends the physical and digital worlds. This experience combines social video and audio with programmable NFTs (non-fungible tokens) to virtual reality and augmented reality, and is a bold step forward for society and the technology that infuses every aspect of our lives. 

Imagine a life in which a truly social online experience, where you “enter” a website instead f surf the surface, blends seamlessly into everyday experience, supplementing how we view, participate, and shape our world. Vatom, Inc. is on a mission to have this vision realized in a massively scalable and open fashion. Just as the Web changed the way we work, live, and play, so too will the next generation of the Web, the Spatial Web, do the same.


The internet versus the spatial web

As we know it today, the internet operates as a ubiquitous tool that connects people to the entire world instantaneously. We can know the weather in Mumbai while drinking a coffee in Copenhagen; check the surf in Algarve from our desk in Atlanta.

The spatial web is a natural progression in the evolution of human engagement. It’s being called Web 3.0 and is described as dissolving the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds. On the spectrum of what’s real and what’s digital, Eric Pulier’s SpatialWeb is attempting to eliminate the difference and bring the “NFT Metaverse” to life.

The Atom Platform, which includes the Spatial Web, adds three formerly missing pieces from the internet— identity, ownership, and true social experience across a persistent extension to our world in AR & VR. In the future, holograms will subsume video calling, while VR and AR will become fundamental to the online shopping experiences.

Wander the streets of Paris, perusing the boutiques, all from the comfort of your living room. Phone into a conference call via hologram, allowing you to actually feel like you are sitting in the boardroom. The possibilities are endless, and Vatom Inc is leading the charge to push the boundaries of how we can connect, create communities, and do business.

Spatial web technology today

Virtual reality and augmented reality have been in wide use for years but relegated to curiosities, not core to our lives. The uses for VR and AR have predominantly been used for video games or advertising. A person can put on a VR headset while tapping into a video game of their choice, instantly transporting themselves into a new world. AR provides digital experiences within our everyday life, such as holding up our phone camera and digital projections being superimposed to real-life surroundings. For the VR gamer, it may mean playing a game of tennis through the eyes of your digital avatar. A person using AR may walk into a hotel room and use the technology to get instructions on where to find things in the room.  

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Yet none of these historical experiences are part of our daily lives because the utility is not there. The current uses are limited and rudimentary, lacking a concept of identity, ownership, or true social context. However, this is changing quickly with companies like Vatom Inc entering the fray. The Vatom Platform breaks these technologies out of their former boxes, and catapults them directly into the center stage of our lives, becoming a “place” that extends our current reality and makes it accessible and usable to bring humanity together in every sector of society.


What tomorrow’s spatial web technology might bring

The trend for many technologists and companies in this space is exponential innovation. The COVID-19 pandemic brought about a host of new challenges for humanity to face, and we increasingly look for digital solutions to these problems.

A monumental shift to everyday life and global culture was having to work from our homes, something not possible without effective video-call technology. The natural next step? Context and spatial environments to make it seem like you are somewhere, more akin to being in person.

Eric Pulier’s vision is much broader than this: NFTs, 5G, AI, blockchain, gamification principles, collaboration, community, commerce, and more all play a role in the ambitious plan that Vatom, Inc. has laid down. It’s essentially a new world to get lost in. You can literally walk the streets of the internet without leaving your home, acquiring anything you may need with a few simple clicks while still feeling like you are living out the experience in real-time together with friends and family. 

Grab a coffee, some groceries, some new shoes—all things currently capable of being achieved via the internet, but you’ll feel like you are living out these experiences in real life and building relationships and experiences in a way never before possible.

In conclusion

The next step for the internet and technology as a whole is bridging the gap between what’s real and what’s digital. This will be via a seamless, functional experience that supplements everyday life, extending the use of the internet as a tool.

It’s no longer simply from the movies. Our world is changing at breakneck speeds, and Eric Pullier’s Vatom, Inc. represents one of the most intriguing new innovations to hit the market in recent memory. The Spatial Web is going to be a key product in this perpetually burgeoning industry, and Vatom, Inc. is leading the way. Bid in a live NFT auction with thousands of others, attend a concert with tens of thousands of fans all having a unique experience, do some online shopping with your mom and discover surprising paths and experiences you can’t find in the real world, tap into a meeting via a hologram or avatar and break out spontaneously in groups—all via the Vatom Platform’s Spatial Web. Boundaries in technology are meant to be broken, and soon they will dissolve into a seamless, holistic experience that connects humanity and opens up vast new opportunities to empower creators and consumers worldwide. 

Disclaimer: This content does not necessarily represent the views of IWB.


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