EXPENDABLE: Poor boys are falling behind poor girls, and it’s deeply troubling.

Poor boys are falling behind poor girls, and it’s deeply troubling.

It’s become a fact of American life that girls are better than boys at school. They get better grades. They’re suspended less. For every generation since the boomers, women have been more likely than men to earn high school and college diplomas.
In fact, girls are pretty much the only reason the high school graduation rate went up in past 40 years, according to calculations by Harvard economist Richard Murnane. The male high school graduation rate has been stuck at 81 percent since the 1970s, while the female graduation rose from 81 percent to 87 percent.
Women have been so persistently superior it is perhaps time for a new stereotype about the sexes — girls as bookish mavens like Lisa Simpson; boys as goof-offs like Bart.

Yeah, that’s not a new stereotype. And negative stereotypes about boys — which abound, especially among the overwhelmingly female teacher corps — are probably one of the reasons for this.
Which 2016 Presidential candidate will support legislation to protect boys in the classroom?
But it’s also true that the revolution in family affairs — that is, the rise of single-parent families — has indeed hurt boys worse than girls. (You can read this study, or you can listen to hiphop, in support of that). The study, though, seems to think that single-parent families are caused by “income inequality,” when it’s more likely that things are the other way around.

44 thoughts on “EXPENDABLE: Poor boys are falling behind poor girls, and it’s deeply troubling.”

  1. Chicks are more easily programmed to do what they have to do to survive, I think. For the most part. I think that’s why. They always have something/someone they feel obligated to take care of, don’t they? Well, not always, but much of the time. And of course there are sausage casings with the same feeling, and they will probably do better in school too. It’s all about motivation. (Though how school is these days, it’s a wonder anyone can get an education. With common core and all the stupid propaganda. . .you can learn more REAL history from the web and home schooling. After all, aren’t public schools an college just indoctrination centers these days?)

  2. This is all about the PC agenda (CONTROL) it’s nosecret that 1) Girls are more beholden to rules and authority. 2) Girls are better listeners and more emotional (easily manipulated) So naturally they will thrive in the academic environment, (and have better driving records!) but their physical limitations, (compared to the average male) always relegated them as the “less dominant” sex. Also… very important.. because of these physical limitations compared to men, Women are a lot less likely to “Fight Back” physically… whereas in men it’s literally encoded in our DNA. In the PC agenda, (Which is about CONTROL) you want to flip virtually EVERYTHING on its head! (there’s no such thing as GENDER, for instance!) This is ESSENTIAL for effecting (and reversing) the relationship of dominance between the male and female. why is this important? Simple…. Once you ARTIFICIALLY make the female the “leader” (decision maker)of the “traditional family” the males will naturally follow her lead, and you have an emotional, easily manipulated “leader” who’s mind can be more easily “conditioned” and “engineered” and somebody MUCH LESS LIKELY to advocate “Standing up for your self”, done intrinsically by the powers that be for the purpose of weakening society to cement their dominance, and maintain (and expand) their control… Don’t believe me? Go to your nearest College Campus and try to talking to a female, “Self Identifying” anti gun, “Feminist” about the status of “cultural appropriation” “racism” “privilege” and lack of “safe space” at her school :D… then… have a few words with her “All American” “feminist boyfriend” wearing his sleeveless T shirt depicting a burning American flag with the inscription “White People Suck!” on it. and tell me I’m wrong 😀

      • ya.. cept I’m married… happily. to a GODDESS. my parents who are now 63 have been together since they were 13 years old.
        but you’re right… I have “no idea” about women 😀
        Go back to playing with your hand now! It’s quite evident who knows what they are talking about (the guy who wrote an entire argument with logic, reason, facts, evidence, truth and reality.)
        vs the LONELY, unsuccessful guy who just said “ha you dont’ know what you’re talking about” (end of his “argument”)

        • For someone who pretends to have wife, you sure spend a lot of time promoting your Zionist cause online. Why not concentrate on her, before some anti-Zionist takes your place and makes her feel how a Zionist never could. 😉

          • Internet let me introduce : “Yellow Umbrella” : A paid Pro Zionist shill who follows my comment threads (even ones years old) and attempts to attack my character (and by default attempt to discredit my anti zionist msg… also known as TRUTH, LOGIC, REASON, REALITY and Common Sense.)
            Apparently my msg is SO STRONG it warrants a coordinated, personalized attack never on what I say… only against me. This is the automated msg that will appear, whenever Yellow Umbrella shows up.
            Truth tellers… we are WINNING They are SCARED. Keep up the GREAT WORK!
            People… just LOOK at how desperate and pathetic this Zionist Shill is 😉 we are REALLY having an impact!

          • it’s very easy for anybody with even 10% of a working brain to have a quick look at my long history of PUBLIC comments to notice
            1) I am THE Anti Zionist
            2) I only deal in facts, truth, logic, reason, common sense, reality.
            3) you’re been ASSIGNED to me PERSONALLY to try and attack, discredit, confuse … you know… do what Zionists do 😀
            you attempt to bring out emotion and anger with antagonistic, juvenile bile. but all you do is expose the Zionists and their ilk for how pathetic, desperate, weak they are 🙂

          • Zianofag, please cease and desist…or at least try to join in the conversation instead of just showing how much you love Israel and your gay agenda.

          • the “charade” hello internet… I will be posting my DISQUS notification history (since yellow umbrella’s is PRIVATE because he’s hiding) and ANYBODY can PERSONALLY see for them self.
            my ANTI ZIONIST, PRO TRUTH comments… and how “Yellow Umbrella’s” “assignment” is to follow, attack, discredit and confuse.

          • All you do is cut and paste – you don’t pick up on issues, and you certainly don’t address why you change personalities depending on which site you are on.
            Why be a Zionist in some places, and unsure about your stance on Zionism in others? You’re a bit of an oddball, aren’t you Chris.

          • People can click my PUBLIC PROFILE, read my enlightening comments, see your pathetic lies and attempts to muddy the waters, and come to the conslusion…
            1) I tell the truth
            2) you only lie.
            End of story 😀
            Internet… simply have a LOOK at who YELLOW UMBRELLA REALLY is 😉

          • The only reason I had to hide my profile is because of this weird Zionist crusade against me. You follow me around and make Zionist remarks.
            I’m going to get you blocked if you continue.

          • once again it’s easy for people to click my PUBLIC profile and see
            I am the ANTI Zionist… and you are the PRO ZIONIST SHILL assigned to personally attack me 😀 you are not fooling anybody. Nor are you affecting my credibility. All you are doing is strengthening my resolve and letting me know I am definitely barking up the RIGHT tree 🙂
            Truth is a WMD to Zionists… and you will go to the GREATEST lengths to hide, obscure, confuse and twist the truth to your ends.
            which is why I only speak in facts, evidence, logic, reason, common sense, and reality.. the back bones of truth… and any of your so called “rebuttles”
            offers no facts, logic, evidence, reason, common sense… hence devoid of any truth.. but full of
            1) insults
            2) lies
            … and that’s about it. 😀 never even addressing the topic. just me.
            and if you had done it once or twice ok… you have done it literally HUNDREDS of times now to the point where it’s not only beyond obvious to anybody… it shows how sad, desperate, and pathetic the Zionists are.
            You can make whatever excuse you want about why you have to “hide” people can easily click this link https://disqus.com/home/inbox/ and read hundreds of your “comments” devoid of any substance and mostly PERSONALLY directed at me. 😀

          • Good grief, you and your copy & pastes again! Keep your Zionist propaganda to yourself Skyonist. Join the discussion, or step aside. Got it?

          • 😉 people can see for them self
            my comments = truth logic, reason, common sense, reality.
            your comments = personal attacks on me never even mentioning the discussion at hand 😀
            you can NEVER win against the truth. The more lies and insults you hurl, the less and less credible (and more psychotic and desperate) you look 😀

          • Typical name calling. Just because you support Zionism doesn’t mean you have carte blanche to talk to people like that, you moron. Keep the insults to yourself, clown.

          • I am the ANTI ZIONIST. Yellow Umbrella is the PAID, PRO ZIONIST HASBARA TROLL… who does nothign but lie..
            here is my PUBLIC, ANTI ZIONISM, PRO TRUTH PROFILE where you can clearly see me being attacked on a DAILY basis by the paid Pro Zionist Shill “Yellow Umbrella” while it hides behind it’s “private” profile, peddling PRo Israeli Propaganda, and attempting every dirty trick in the Zionist troll handbook to confuse and distort the truth….
            Desperation is palpable 😀
            see for your self https://disqus.com/home/inbox/

          • my point was made LOUD and clear.. now i will not let you “dilute” my msgs and likes with all your pathetic spam. 😀 i have exposed you on more than enough msgs… from now on you will ignored…and the more ridiculous, baseless comments you throw around the crazier and more pathetic and desperate and weak you will look.
            There is no weapon that beats truth. None of your tactics have worked… nor will they 😀
            Lies = Dark Truth = light…. even the SMALLEST light can ALWAYS be seen in the darkest room 😉
            Zionists hate that fact.

          • So ante up and lose the private profile – then people can see you just follow me around. And stop the name calling, you zionist pig. Chris skyonist.

          • Please desist with the stalking. Awesome…so you’re a zionist. Great. Got it. So take your strange brand of zionism and feminism elsewhere.

          • once again it’s easy for people to click my PUBLIC profile and see
            I am the ANTI Zionist… and you are the PRO ZIONIST SHILL assigned to personally attack me 😀 you are not fooling anybody. Nor are you affecting my credibility. All you are doing is strengthening my resolve and letting me know I am definitely barking up the RIGHT tree 🙂
            Truth is a WMD to Zionists… and you will go to the GREATEST lengths to hide, obscure, confuse and twist the truth to your ends.
            which is why I only speak in facts, evidence, logic, reason, common sense, and reality.. the back bones of truth… and any of your so called “rebuttles”
            offers no facts, logic, evidence, reason, common sense… hence devoid of any truth.. but full of
            1) insults
            2) lies
            … and that’s about it. 😀 never even addressing the topic. just me.
            and if you had done it once or twice ok… you have done it literally HUNDREDS of times now to the point where it’s not only beyond obvious to anybody… it shows how sad, desperate, and pathetic the Zionists are.

          • So why not make your profile public instead of private? Then people will see you for what you are. Mine is. Yours is not. Zionist.

          • Ladies and Gentleman.
            I am the ANTI ZIONIST. Yellow Umbrella is the PAID, PRO ZIONIST HASBARA TROLL… who does nothign but lie..
            here is my PUBLIC, ANTI ZIONISM, PRO TRUTH PROFILE where you can clearly see me being attacked on a DAILY basis by the paid Pro Zionist Shill “Yellow Umbrella” while it hides behind it’s “private” profile, peddling PRo Israeli Propaganda, and attempting every dirty trick in the Zionist troll handbook to confuse and distort the truth….
            see for your self https://disqus.com/home/inbox/

          • Internet… to PROVE who “Yellow Umbrella” REALLY is here is my DISQUS notification history so anybody can clearly prove to them self, my ANTI ZIONIST, PRO PEACE, PRO TRUTH, PRO LOVE MSG.
            and how “Yellow Umbrella” is a PRIVATE ANONYMOUS PAID SHILL who’s “Assignment” is to follow me around like a sick animal and sprew verbal bile to try and discredit and confuse my msg.
            Have a look at my thousands of comments, and see how over 90% of the time “Yellow Umbrella” is there sprewing 1000% lies, insults, confusion… but never any facts, logic, truth, or common sense.
            SEE FOR YOUR SELF…. the PROOF is right here:https://disqus.com/home/inbox/

    • I’ll tell you you’re a Zionist. Again, that’s what’s written in The Daily Zionist, October 14 2015. You just copied it (and messed up the grammar of course when trying to make it your own).

      • Chris Sky = THE ANTI ZIONIST
        😀 you screaming “zionist” at me to try and “Confuse” people… is not going to work 😀
        nuf said.

      • OK… to PROVE who “Yellow Umbrella” REALLY is here is my DISQUS notification history so anybody can clearly prove to them self, my ANTI ZIONIST, PRO PEACE, PRO TRUTH, PRO LOVE MSG.
        and how “Yellow Umbrella” is a PRIVATE ANONYMOUS PAID SHILL who’s “Assignment” is to follow me around like a sick animal and sprew verbal bile to try and discredit and confuse my msg.
        Have a look at my thousands of comments, and see how over 90% of the time “Yellow Umbrella” is there sprewing 1000% lies, insults, confusion… but never any facts, logic, truth, or common sense.
        SEE FOR YOUR SELF…. the PROOF is right here:https://disqus.com/home/inbox/

  3. I wrote a large post about my life experiences and of those around me, but I decided to cut it down to this:
    My entire life has been about authority figures isolating, demonizing and destroying males, while those same males (including myself) often go out of our way to help fellow female students or girlfriends, only to be immediately dumped by them as soon as they graduate. Seen it happen many times, not only around me, but even to friends on the other side of the world. In separation, those females played the victim, receiving tons of support and going on to further their careers.
    Speaking of careers, where I live, there are places of employment that strongly favor female employees, even going so far as to advertise that they only hire females, despite the fact that doing so is illegal.
    Nearly all of the females around us always received special positive treatment, even if they exhibited terrible behavior, because nobody wanted to see females in a negative light. Meanwhile, the males are intentionally ignored and suppressed. A teacher even admitted to me that they intentionally treat females better, because they believe females are better than males in every way. Tertiary education courses I had interest in applying to only offered female scholarships. They gave special awards to females, too. I kid you not.
    This has been happening for literally decades. I’ve been complaining about it the entire time, and nobody believed me until recently.
    Even now, many people around me are ignorant of these facts. It’s easier to just blame males for not performing as well as females.

    • If society is just going to let feminists and their enablers run roughshod over the male backbone of civilization they shouldn’t be surprised when those men, at least the good ones, opt out by the millions, to the detriment of the economy, politics, technology, culture, and even the very gene pool, until it simply implodes under pressure from a more vital male dominated society (even an otherwise backward and inferior one like radical Islam.) Women have men to thank for building and maintaining civilization itself, and it will not persist without our support. We’ll see how women like living under Sharia law, stupid b-tches.

    • Correct, I still clearly recall young ladies being allowed excessive restroom privileges while male students were often treated as if they didn’t have similar biological functions. Of course walk out of class without permission to be a human and you’d get suspended, which I saw happen a few times until I was expelled……

  4. Can’t speak for older generations, but with the advent of the “Murphy Brown Mother”, the “I don ‘t need a man just his sperm”, “It fell from my uterus so I own it” mentalities…..
    It’s bad enough that as early as many “boomer” mothers were programmed to be self and man-hating monsters who care not about the actual needs of their children, both male and female. When you throw in societal conditioned hatred of the male gender, who aren’t allowed a father figure through no fault of their own, often through no fault of the father, and a feminized “civil” law system….
    It’s not even hard to figure why boys have been failing in school for a long time, most of those boys go home to single parent household, with a mother being the parent, and are treated like garbage 24/7…… And the teachers start making their lives hell right out of Elementary school where they run into jerks of all genders who already have them type-cast forcing their expectations of what the child should be, regardless of the character of the child. You treat male children from poor backgrounds like garbage long enough you get garbage in return.


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