Fourth Stimulus Check: Over 60 Lawmakers Now Support Further Direct Payments to Americans

Many Americans have been wondering whether there will be a fourth round of stimulus checks as the federal government continues to distribute the $1,400 provided in President Joe Biden‘s American Rescue Plan. So far, 64 congressional lawmakers have pushed for recurring direct payments until the pandemic ends.

In January, two months before Biden signed the latest stimulus package into law, 53 House Democrats pressed Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for recurring stimulus checks in a letter, where they insisted that “one more check is not enough.”

“It was very encouraging to see the inclusion of direct cash assistance in your current economic rescue plan. However it is clear that during this unprecedented time in our nation’s history that we must take additional unprecedented action,” the group said.

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The letter, led by Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, urged the Democratic leaders to continue the checks until the economy recovers with “equal payments to adults and dependents, prioritize those who need it most and will spend it quickest and include older dependents such as disabled and elderly dependents and those over the age of 16 still claimed as dependents.”


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