Has the IMF become a Fascist Organization?

by Martin Armstrong

The entire world of economics has been abandoned without actually admitting it has failed. Even the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is throwing in the towel without actually admitting its policies have totally failed. The IMF was the bastion of Keynesianism, supporting economic Neoliberalism. Of course, the head of the IMF is on the board of the World Economic Forum and is fully onboard with Schwab’s Great Reset. Previously, if you asked if the IMF was a Neoliberal-Keynesian it would have been like asking if the Pope if he was a Catholic.

The complete reversal of the IMF has been at the direction of the World Economic Forum who endorses really a one-world government and economic dictatorship. The old Neoliberalism ideology of free markets, free trade, and small government, are gone. This is part of Schwab’s attempt to control the Fourth Industrial Revolution, yet when we have the ONLY fully functional AI system in the world that writes over 1,000 reports on the state of the financial world, they wanted to shut it down because it also forecasts that they will fail. The current and previous head of the IMF has been a board member of Schwab’s WEF. There is no more independence. The IMF is fully occupied by Schwab.


The IMF has been pushing Schwab’s digital agenda for several years once Christine Legard got a hold of the IMF. What makes this reversal in economic policy so shocking is that the IMF even put out a piece entitled: “Neoliberalism: Oversold?” They are now questioning the entire world of free trade and are advocating more of a fascist state with control by a central authority.

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