How to Resist the Socialist State

An antithesis of Alinski’s “How to Create a Socialist State” for Christians.
There are several measures of control the Socialist state will try to impose on its subjects. Of course an enlightened person will resist this wherever possible. Here are a few areas and methods of resistence:
1. Healthcare: Take control of your own health when possible. This includes home remedies and alternative health care. Only use state-regulated health services when no other reasonable means are available. Don’t sign up for .gov health insurance if you can help it.
2. Poverty: Find a way to earn income to keep your family out of poverty, where the state wants you to be so that you will become dependent on them for everything. Find multiple income streams, if possible. Self-employment is the safest route to less regulated and sustainable income.
3. Debt: Get out of debt now, and stay out. Don’t get yourself into new debt. Pay for things in cash wherever possible. Don’t use credit cards. Don’t take loans for things other than a mortgage. Save up your money to pay cash for a car. If you can’t affor to do that, buy a cheaper car. Consider renting to stay out of debt. Try to minimize your tax burdon wherever possible.
4. Guns: The state wants to ban gun ownership to consolidate their total power over the individual. Acquire several guns, magazines and plenty of ammo before it’s all banned, or regulated or taxed to extinction (which are just stealth bans.) Never register your guns. Don’t succumb to background check stealth registrations. Think twice before getting a concealed-carry license, which is also a de-facto gun registration.
5. Welfare: Don’t take it, unless you can find no other possible way to survive. That is a path to slavery. Use it only as a last resort. Acquire independent food security, housing security and income security wherever possible to avoid becoming a slave to the System. Get an RV or tiny house to avoid a mortgage. If you have to buy a house, buy below your means so you don’t over-extend your budget. Live in a semi-rural or rural area, build a garden and raise small homestead livestock (chickens, rabbits, fish) to minimize your food dependency on the ‘Just-In-Time’ fragile food system. Secure an independent source of water, such as a well or pond. Even a swimming pool can help for a time. Stock a year’s supply of emergency long-term storage food. I’ve given people emergency storage foods as gifts before, and three times now someone has come back to me years later to thank me for helping them get through hard times. It’s certainly worth the investment.
6. Education: Avoid public education. It’s mostly propaganda now. Use private Christian schools whenever possible, including college. Home school if needed to keep your kids out of the Public Brainwashing System. Also, avoid non-Christian media programming, because it really is Programming, or brainwashing. And it has become morally reprehensible. Read Christian news and watch Christian TV shows & movies. Stay away from Hollywood-generated entertainment and news.
7. Religion: Be very picky about which church you go to and which preachers you follow, watch, listen to or read. Check & compare what they say vs. the scriptures daily. Avoid Laodecean churches. Hold them and their pastors & staff to a high moral standard. Read the bible & pray so you can know the truth. Avoid interfaithism and ecumenism, as they promote liberal compromises with Scripture. Make belief in Yahweh and in Yahshua our Savior a central part of your life and houshold. And share the gospel with others. Don’t spend a lot of time in any place that bans God or Jesus from their presence.
8. Class/Race/Party/Gender/Sexual Identity/Etc. Warfare: Don’t buy into it. We are all equal in God’s eyes, both rich and poor, Democrats & Republicans, and all races, genders, sexes, etc. We are all accountable to God. No one class or race, etc. is to be singled out and persecuted or to be biased against. Every group has problems and problem people, even Christians. Resist Socialist systems & ideas, not individuals. Remember that every individual has a soul that needs God. Have pity on the brainwashed legions of sheep, but don’t let them harm you or others, they are part of the machine.
Socialism and it’s ugly brother Communism are just more tools of the globalist elite to control people and take over the world for their Satanic vision of a One-World Government, their New World Order where they own and control everything, and enslave the world.
When the State controls all of these things on this list, you are living in a tyrannical police state of the NWO. You need to either resist and change it now, or leave it while you still can.
h/t Anonymous

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8 thoughts on “How to Resist the Socialist State”

  1. What you are saying is how I have lived my life…take nothing from the government that you can avoid taking. No education. No health care. No housing. No subsidies. No unemployment insurance. I can’t avoid using their streets and highways. I won’t be able to avoid using Social Security because after 5 decades of having 20-40% of my income stolen from me, I have been prevented from securing my own old age. Friends tell me I’m silly to reject Social Security because I spent a lifetime paying into it. I tell them it is a moral dilemma for me because all of the money I put into it was wasted blowing up stuff in the Middle East. I have no illusions that, in my old age which is fast approaching, I will be a burden on my son’s generation. I’m doing what I can to minimize it through saving and keeping myself healthy and working for as long as I am capable. Oh yeah, and I won’t be able to avoid Medicare someday, either, because the government has destroyed private health options for the older generations.
    People call me crazy, but I have found that once you cross the line and become a tax taker you lose all moral authority. Your arguments against socialism become hollow hypocrisy, and the socialists know it. They will zero in on your dependence on government and they will guilt you into silence. The only way to fight them is to not become one of them.

  2. What a load of absolute patronizing drivel this article is! The best societies are not like America, the failing capitalist state, because, they try to combine the free market with a bit of socialism where needed. Their citizens are happier and have more hope

  3. “How to Resist the Socialist State”
    I should have thought the important thing would be how to resist the state.
    Socialism has nothing to do with it.
    You certainly do not have socialism in America.
    But you very much do have a powerful and intrusive state, and it is growing.
    The loud-mouthed coward in the White House changes nothing that really matters.
    The NSA still records your every word on the internet, your every phone connection, and a whole lot else, including info supplied by smarmy outfits like Facebook and Google.
    The government’s security agencies are building a dossier on each and every one of you that makes the old East German Stasi look like amateurs.
    Before long, you will have to go through the TSA just to take an inter-city bus or train.
    Photo-recognition in countless public places documents your activity, as does your cell phone’s ability to act like an electronic beacon.
    None of this has anything to do with “socialism.”
    It has to do with the unrestrained powers of an increasingly fascistic state.
    The big orange orang in the Oval Office has not only done nothing in this regard, he has shoveled more money and authority at the security agencies and the Pentagon.

  4. “How to Resist the Socialist State”
    I should have thought the important thing would be how to resist the state.
    Socialism has nothing to do with it.
    You certainly do not have socialism in America.
    But you very much do have a powerful and intrusive state, and it is growing.
    The loud-mouthed coward in the White House changes nothing that really matters.
    The NSA still records your every word on the internet, your every phone connection, and a whole lot else, including info supplied by smarmy outfits like Facebook and Google.
    The government’s security agencies are building a dossier on each and every one of you that makes the old East German Stasi look like amateurs.
    Before long, you will have to go through the TSA just to take an inter-city bus or train.
    Photo-recognition in countless public places documents your activity, as does your cell phone’s ability to act like an electronic beacon.
    None of this has anything to do with “socialism.”
    It has to do with the unrestrained powers of an increasingly fascistic state.
    The big orange orang in the Oval Office has not only done nothing in this regard, he has shoveled more money and authority at the security agencies and the Pentagon.


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