Huge Severe Weather Event Next Week

After February unleashed far-reaching brutal winter weather conditions across the United States, a relative period of calm weather has settled in for the start of March. National radar maps showed virtually no precipitation across the Lower 48 states on Wednesday, which is just about as quiet as it gets for the month. With a few exceptions — like snow squalls that swept across the Northeast and flooding that inundated Kentucky — March mainly came in like a lamb as opposed to the proverbial saying, “March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb.”

However, AccuWeather forecasters are sounding an early alert that the tranquil weather could change in a big way next week. A large storm system could emerge from the western U.S. and strengthen over the Central states next week, potentially leading to a multiple-day severe weather outbreak.

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Large storms are not uncommon for March. During this month of transition, surging warmth often clashes with lingering areas of cold air as the jet stream remains quite strong overhead. These ingredients can set the stage for major weather systems to take shape.


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