Inside Biden’s declining popularity as he struggles with multiple crises… More than third of country gives him ‘F’… Says he didn’t ‘overpromise’…


Inside Biden’s declining popularity as he struggles with multiple crises

WASHINGTON – The second week of August began as a time for vacation for President Joe Biden and some of his team. Then Afghanistan imploded. The reports out of Kabul were harrowing: Images of desperate Afghan nationals clinging to U.S. military airplanes leaving the country and, days later, a suicide bombing at a gate to the airport that killed 13 U.S. troops.

Addressing the nation on Aug. 16, Biden defended his decision to leave Afghanistan but acknowledged that the Taliban takeover of the country “did unfold more quickly than we had anticipated.” Administration officials and allies publicly argued there was no good way to exit a war that had been lost years ago, and privately said that within a few weeks, most Americans – who largely supported the decision to bring U.S. troops home from the 20-year conflict – would forget about the messy process.

But across the river in Arlington, aides working for Democrat Terry McAuliffe’s gubernatorial campaign in Virginia were picking up on troubling trends. Their race was tightening, amid what they would later describe in a memo as “a negative national climate” – collateral damage from the chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal, among other issues. The memo found that voters also viewed the coronavirus pandemic and the economy as two of their three most important issues.

NEW POLL: More Than a Third of the Country Gives Biden an ‘F’ for His First Year in Office, Just 11 Percent Give Him an ‘A’

One year into his term, more than a third of the country believes President Joe Biden is flunking out, a new survey finds.

According to a Politico/Morning Consult poll out Wednesday, 37 percent of respondents give the president an “F” for the first quarter of his presidency. By contrast, a meager 11 percent give Biden an “A” thus far, while 20 percent give him a “B.” Nearly a third of the country put Biden in the “C” or “D” category — with 18 percent giving the president a “C” and 12 percent giving him a “D.”

At this point in his term, Biden’s failing grade exceeds even former President Donald Trump’s. The 45th president got an “F” from 35 percent of Americans, compared to Biden’s 37 percent.

Biden says he didn’t ‘overpromise’

President Biden insisted Wednesday that he did not overpromise on his agenda amid a series of setbacks at the one-year mark of his presidency, making the case that his administration has made progress in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and on other fronts.

“I didn’t overpromise, and what I have probably outperformed what anybody thought would happen,” Biden said in response to a question at his first news conference of 2022. “I think if you take a look at what we’ve been able to do, you’d have to acknowledge we’ve made enormous progress.”

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