Markowski: Four Election Outcome Scenarios

by Guest Author 

The Four Outcomes

1. The best long-term and worst short-term outcome for the stock market would be for Biden to be elected President and for the Senate to maintain its Republican majority for two reasons:

  • A Republican Senate would increase the probability of there being no additional stimulus.
  • Republican Senate would not vote for an increase in income tax rates for corporations or individuals.

2. Alternatively, the second-best long-term and third-worst short-term outcome for the stock market would be the re-election of President Trump and the Senate to maintain its republican majority for two reasons:

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  • A Republican Senate would likely result in less stimulus.
  • No increase in income tax rates for corporations or individuals.

3. The third best long-term and second-best short-term outcome for the stock market would be the re-election of President Trump and for Senate to become a Democrat majority for two reasons:

  •  A much larger stimulus would be passed.
  • Trump Administration would not have the ability to continue to deregulate.

4. The worst long-term and best short-term outcome for the market would be a sweep by the democrats since this would result in:

  •  The largest amount of stimulus
  • Significant increases in ordinary income and long-term capital gains tax rates 

The Charts

Regardless of which of the four election outcomes occur, stocks in the US will remain in a secular bear market or steady downtrend, which began in February 2020, through at least 2028.  A 4th secular bear market since 1929 began after the aggregate valuation of the 30 Dow stocks to GDP increased reached as high as 132% in early 2020. Also, the two prior bulls had ratios of 116% and 123% at their peaks.

Four Election Outcome, Markowski: Four Election Outcome Scenarios

The chart below depicts the Dow to GDP ratios at the secular bear market bottoms.

Four Election Outcome, Markowski: Four Election Outcome Scenarios

Also, the next chart below depicts the durations and percentage declines for the past three secular bears.

Four Election Outcome, Markowski: Four Election Outcome Scenarios

The chart below depicts an exponential increase in US government debt to an all-time high in early 2020.   The chart also illustrates the spikes in ordinary income tax rates, which followed the debt spikes during the first 40 years of the 20th Century.   Regardless of which of the election outcome scenarios win out, both political parties will have no choice but to raise the income tax rates for the foreseeable future.

Four Election Outcome, Markowski: Four Election Outcome Scenarios

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