Minneapolis Gives George Floyd Family $27 million in Settlement

By Chris Black

Do the taxpayers get the money back after the acquittal ?

Remember Big George? Also known as Fentanyl Floyd? The ex-porn actor? The convict who held a pregnant woman hostage at gunpoint while robbing her house? 

Black Jesus? Rings a bell? The gentle giant who died in police custody from a fentanyl overdose?

Well, what do you know: his family will receive 27 million dollars from taxpayer’s money in the largest pre-trial settlement in a civil rights wrongful death case in American history.

 The Minneapolis City Council voted in unanimity to approve this fantastic settlement.

What’s really sad about this “diversity story” is that we will never know what really happened. The whole world will remain under the impression that all cops are racists and Derek Chauvin killed Big George by kneeling on his neck.

By the way, Derek is currently accused of murder and will stand trial on murder and manslaughter counts, along with three fellow officers involved in the arrest, who are charged with aiding and abetting. 

Never mind that holding a suspect immobilized with the knee on the neck is common police practice, and Minnesota police officers were trained in this violent technique by Israeli forces in a counterterrorism conference jointly hosted by FBI.

Also, you must learn that US police training by Israeli forces is widespread in America and Amnesty was compelled to report that hundreds of police from Florida, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, California, Arizona, Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Georgia, Washington state and Washington DC had been flown to Israel for training, with many of these trips being taxpayer-funded, while others are privately funded.

Here’s something funny:


A postmortem nasal swab found that Floyd had COVID-19 when he died, according to the autopsy report, which was released publicly with permission from Floyd’s family.

The medical examiner said Floyd tested positive for the disease on April 3 and was likely asymptomatic when he died.

The toxicology report said Floyd had fentanyl and methamphetamine in his system when he died, as well as cannabis compounds and morphine; a press release summarizing the report Monday listed arteriosclerotic and hypertensive heart disease, “fentanyl intoxication” and “recent methamphetamine use” as “other significant conditions” but not “cause of death.”

The medical examiner found Floyd died of cardiopulmonary arrest while being restrained, ruling his death a homicide—a different finding than a separate autopsy commissioned by Floyd’s family, which found the cause of death to be asphyxia.


As per CDC guidelines, the fact that Big George died while having Covid-19 means that he is a covid victim. Seriously, Birx stated that very clearly:

That means this is not a murder, no way, and that should be Derek’s main defence. Seriously speaking, mixing opioids and meth is a death sentence, especially for a man in his forties with a heart condition, like George Floyd. 

Given these drugs he was on, I think it’s safe to say that this alone is a reason for his death, and that he likely would have died that day whether or not he was arrested.

Yes, maybe being pinned on the ground triggered the heart attack. I guess. But it hardly amounts to “murder,” which is what the officer has been charged with.

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