NSW court bombshell: Government admits by default vaccinations are not mandatory

THE bully-boy bluffing tactics of NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard have been exposed in the ongoing case in the NSW Supreme Court because his barrister has been forced to admit the government “is not forcing” key workers to get mandatory vaccination.

All the while, Hazzard, Chant and company and their media cheer squad have been telling the people of NSW “the government is making vaccines mandatory”. But that is one big con and one big lie. No, they are “not forcing mandatory vaccinations” because they can’t. They don’t have any such lawful right, except in the most extreme, individual circumstances.

What Hazzard’s lawyer told the court is a defacto admission that our right at common law to informed consent to medical treatment prevails over the so-called “orders” and “directions” of chief health officers over the general population.

As pointed out by Mike Palmer of Know Your Rights and various lawyers, in Australian state law such orders lawfully only apply when a health officer identifies an individual deemed to be a threat to public health who is issued with a court-approved quarantine or treatment order.

The admission has exposed the fact that Hazzard and his so-called health minister colleagues and CHOs in other states have been using unlawful coercion and bullying of the general population to push the mass vaccination experiment. The stunning court developments have been ignored by all but one mainstream media channel, the online Daily Mail UK.


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