NY Democrats Propose 4% Tax On Netflix, Uber To Fund MTA

Netflix could get a whole new premium.

Albany lawmakers in the Assembly have floated potentially hitting streaming services like Netflix, Hulu and HBO Max with the state’s sales tax as one way to fund the cash-strapped Metropolitan Transportation Authority.

The plan would hit streamers with the 4% surcharge, potentially netting $100 million annually for the state’s coffers, the Assembly’s budget proposal predicts, putting a new + on bills for everything from AppleTV+ to Paramount+.

“A new tax on digital streaming services demonstrates how tone-deaf Democrats are to the affordability issues New Yorkers face,” said Assembly Minority Leader William Barclay (R-Syracuse).

“We’re in a unique position of having strong revenues already coming into the state,” he added. “But here we are, poised to add another tax that raises costs on millions of New Yorkers.”


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