Obama/Clinton Busted Doing An Eric Holder “Fast & Furious” In Libya – Men Left Behind

by Thinker

Well, if you haven’t taken the time to see who are the ones that have profited from the hundreds of deaths of American troops, the confiscation of the wealth of countries destroyed, and where all the people have been distributed around the world, then your still asleep!!! As more and more troops return from wars that should have never been, the “TRUTH” has already been told to them and they will be standing for security of the people and nation.

A group of men and women who committed “TREASON” and would have gotten away with it, but…HILLARY DIDN’T WIN!


When many in the Obama/Clinton administration should have been held accountable for the death of Christopher Stevens and the men who died along side him, they weren’t. Failure of the Department of Justice once again to protect the Clinton pedophiles and those who go down if Hillary falls. Documents that Donald Trump and Judicial Watch want declassified will show the American people the “TRUTH” and names of those who intentionally betrayed them to bring down the greatest nation in the world.

If you don’t believe in a “CREATOR,” then you better wake up…the universe is filled with those that do and support the “LIGHT” of their maker.

The time for “TRUTH” is now and it is the only way to MAGA and the World!

American heroes are everywhere watching your back and making history!



Did you miss the HW Bush funeral and the “WHITE ENVELOPES” passed out? There are those who have decieved the people for decades and would have gotten away with it, but Hillary Clinton didn’t win. What did Hillary say in an email about a Trump win??? Look it up, because what she predicted is happening now! Turn off the television show, “REAL LIFE” events have anything Hollywood could put out beat!!! The “House of Trump” has the “House of Cards” with Kevin Spacey beat, and it’s all the way live…no commercials!!! Who could even turn on a television or watch a sports event, the best of the best is happening in Washington D.C.!

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