Paul Craig Roberts NOT De-Twitterized

by Chris

So the story from yesterday turns out to not be true.  Good to know!

From Paul’s website:

Dear Readers:

It is all over the internet and international media that Twitter has suspended my account.

This is not the case.

I do not use social media.

I discovered that a Twitter account was operating in my name.

I requested that the account be taken down.

I have no recollection of giving anyone permission to operate a Twitter account in my name. I am still extremely busy trying to help family relatives impacted by Hurricane Michael and could only quickly look at the Twitter postings. It seemed to be mainly innocuous, consisting of links or quotes from my posted columns.

However, there were other things, such as appeals that money be sent to Alex Jones InfoWars and other things. I have no objection to Alex Jones. However, my webmaster and I were concerned that things could be posted that would be dangerous for me, such as libel, death threats to others, and so forth.

To repeat, the account was closed at my request.

To repeat, I do not use social media.

Paul Craig Roberts

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