President Trump And Japanese PM Shinzo Abe Responded To North Korea Missile Test In Crowded Mar-a-Lago Dining Room. Trump's First Major Foreign Policy Crisis.

by Pamela Williams
President Trump had hoped to have a relaxing dinner and visit with Japanese PM Shinzo Abe at his beautiful residence Mar-a-Lago over Valentine’s weekend. However, chaos erupted, as that is a part of the job, but insiders say Trump remained cool, calm, and collected. He addressed the problem at once without initially leaving his dinner table, which upset some on Twitter.
Chelsea Clinton said: “How many of Mar-a-Lago’s new members will be (already are?) members of foreign intelligence agencies and media organisations?” Oh, Chelsea, honey, cool it! Your Mom gave away top secret information intentionally by using an unsecure server without batting an eye. She gave speeches behind the scenes leaking classified information and having no trouble in doing so. So, please calm down, child.
What caused the eruption at Trump’s dinner table was another missile test by North Korea. Pyongyang fired the ballistic missile into the sea early on Sunday, the first test of President Trump’s vow to get tough on isolated North Korea, which tested nuclear devices and ballistic missiles last year much too often. It is unfortunately a repeating theme with North Korea. The launch has been met with widespread condemnation, with China stating the root cause of the action is Pyongyang’s friction with the US and South Korea. It has also drawn intense scrutiny from weapons experts due to North Korea’s claim to have used solid fuel, which, if true, would be a big step forward in its ability to attack the US and its close allies, South Korea and Japan.
Whatever President Trump decides to do, it will be a big improvement over Obama’s interactions with North Korea, because he had none. He ignored LIl’ Kim, and I believe that President Trump needs to at least include him in any talks. I really do believe that when he is included in talks with the US, Japan, and China, he will quit trying to gain so much attention. It is either that, or it is looking like a nuclear war.

The missile launch took place while President Trump was playing host to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and will intensify pressure from both countries on China to do more to restrain North Korea’s nuclear ambitions.
Both, along with South Korea, have requested an urgent meeting of the United Nations Security Council in New York on Monday night, to discuss the incident. Russia’s Foreign Ministry has also expressed concern, RIA news agency reported.  China’s Foreign Ministry said Monday it opposed the test, with spokesman Geng Shuang telling reporters his government would “take a constructive and responsible part” in the discussions at the U.N.
The missile test took place just as Sino-U.S. relations were beginning to look up, a few days after Trump held what was said to be an “extremely cordial” call with Chinese President Xi Jinping. But Trump has in the past made clear he does not believe China is doing enough to rein in its ally in Pyongyang.
Zhang Liangui, a Korea expert at Beijing’s Central Party School in Beijing, which trains Communist party officials, said the timing was “well thought through” by Pyongyang to undermine China’s ties with the United States.
“It clearly intended to affect the development of Sino-US relations,” Zhang said. “But what matters is how China and the United States handle it.”
The missile test also came as China is campaigning intensely against U.S. plans to deploy the THAAD missile defense system to South Korea, which Beijing sees as a threat to its own security.
It was a timely reminder not just for the Trump administration of why those missile defense plans are important, but also for the candidates in this year’s South Korea’s presidential elections, where public opinion on the issue is divided, experts said. “There was opposition inside South Korean against the THAAD deployment,” said Cui Zhiying, a Korean affairs expert at Tongji University. “However, after the missile test, I fear these opposition voices will become much smaller.”

Here is a video of Melania which I found to be very lovely and interesting:

Published on Feb 11, 2017

12/02/2017 News…
Melania shares her unexpected love of GARDENING.
Melania the green goddess: First Lady shares her unexpected love of GARDENING on day-trip with Japanese PM’s wife after coming under fire for skipping out on official White House tour yesterday.
First Lady Melania Trump made her first solo public appearance by joining Prime Minister of Japan’s wife, Akie Abe in a tour of Morikami Museum and Japanese Garden
The two took in the sights while their husbands played golf at President Trump’s club in Jupiter, Florida
Mrs Trump revealed in a statement she plans to preserve the White House Gardens specifically the First Lady’s Kitchen Garden.
First Lady Melania Trump showed her love for the outdoors by choosing to leave her penthouse in Trump Tower and trekking to Delray, Florida for a museum and garden tour with the Japanese Prime Minister’s wife.
It is Mrs Trump’s first public appearance as first lady without her husband.
All smiles, the First Lady joined the Prime Minister of Japan’s wife, Akie Abe, in a tour of Morikami Museum and Japanese Garden in Delray Beach, Florida.
Mrs Trump also revealed she has a green thumb and wants to make sure the White House gardens continue to flourish.
Yesterday, Mrs Trump was harshly criticized for leaving the First Lady of Japan to visit D.C. while her husband met with President Trump. Mrs Abe visited Gallaudet University Friday and went to a National Cherry Blossom Festival committee meeting at the Japanese embassy.
Giving  an official White House tour and spending time with the spouse of foreign leaders is a typical job of FLOTUS.
In a statement, the White House said: ‘The First Lady was very much looking forward to welcoming Mrs Abe to the White House upon her arrival in Washington; however, she was informed that Mrs Abe had previous commitments during her stay in DC.
However, Mrs Trump did greet the Prime Minister and First Lady at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland before they all jetted off to Mar-a-Lago.
Mrs Trump expressed her love for gardening in a statement to CNN: ‘Both our countries histories and cultures are steeped in the nurture and nature of gardening.’
‘Having knowledge of different cultures and customs is a wonderful way to learn and to explore. Gardening teaches us the fundamentals in care and the evolution of living things, all while inspiring us to nurture our minds and to relax and strengthen our.
Today, Abe and Trump toured the Morikami Museum and Japanese Garden while their husbands played golf at President Trump’s golf club in Jupiter.
Trump and Abe left Mar-a-Lago early Saturday morning and headed north to one of Trump’s golf courses in Jupiter, Florida. Reporters weren’t able to catch a glimpse of the pair as they played on the 285-acre property as reported by the Associated Press.
But Trump later posted a photo of them giving each other a high-five on the golf course and tweeted, ‘Having a great time hosting Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in the United States!’
The Trump National Golf Club website, in typical Trumpian language, claims the course ‘features the finest revetted bunkers in the United States, incredible water hazards, including a magnificent island green, and one of the most picturesque landscapes, all of which make for a truly memorable round.’
Abe had joked at a joint press conference at the White House on Friday that he was looking forward to playing golf with Trump, even though he’s not nearly as good with a club.
While the president and prime minister golfed, Mrs Trump and Mrs Abe were also expected to have lunch together at Mar-a-Lago after touring the gardens.
Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, senior adviser to the first lady said in a statement: ‘The First Lady has a deep personal commitment to her role as caretaker and nurturer, beginning with her family.’
‘She believes there is a connection between a child’s mind and places of calm and beauty to be used as a tool for us all.’
‘As a mother and as the First Lady of this country, Mrs. Trump is committed to the preservation and continuation of the White House Gardens, specifically the First Lady’s Kitchen Garden and the Rose Garden.’
Mrs Trump said in a statement: ‘I hope that together Mrs. Abe and I can continue to inspire our youth to enjoy the beauty around them and to restore their minds in the peacefulness of their surroundings.’
Later on Saturday evening, the two couples met again for dinner. They posed for photographs just before entering the luxurious hall at Mar-a-Lago for their meal.


4 thoughts on “President Trump And Japanese PM Shinzo Abe Responded To North Korea Missile Test In Crowded Mar-a-Lago Dining Room. Trump's First Major Foreign Policy Crisis.”

  1. Is it just me, or when has it been when men show each other their penises, that’s not a crisis, but gays wearing non skid sneakers on slippery floors?
    When has, and I hope I’m not the only one noticing the phallic symbolism here, missile testing matter? FAKE NEWS.
    We have ballistic missile subs right off the coast of Korea, 3-4 mins, the whole country is destroyed. North Korea can have whatever they want, it doesn’t change the fact that submarine launched nuclear missiles END their existence.
    Try to launch on a 3-4 min window of warning. Even the US can’t do that, as Hillary let out the secret, but was never punished for the publication of classified information.
    Japan is nuclear, like Israel is not nuclear. The Japanese launches would be up to 8 mins, oh boi..

  2. What a dose of putrid TRIPE!…. Who cares what happens to “the freaking simian W.H. kitchen garden?..
    And leave North Korea alone.
    ….. Let its leader posture all he wants.. let Putin handle him, Putin has shown that he understands HOW to talk to that boy.
    Is “missile testing” in N. Korea the EXCUSE that the warmongers are going to use to try to shoe-horn the people of the US into another “shock-n-awe” scenario?
    Japan is one of the “5-Eyes Nations”… centered around the City of London, the central banking system etc. “The ONE world order” boys straight out of the Bush, Kissinger, etc. era… ENOUGH.
    Our own tattered invaded, stressed out nation with its crumbling bridges, infrastructure, society and veterans begging for help on the streets NEEDS the attention and the MONEY… not the military industrial complex!
    I have to ask, Is “trumped” and “shafted” interchangeable?

  3. The counterpart to N. Korea’s effort to build a credible deterrence to a sudden US strike against its defenses, is Israel, which now has upwards of (some speculate) a thousand nuclear weapons. Israel’s nuclear capability which was obtained largely through theft and deception from the US, was built not just to intimidate the Arab states, but as a deterrent against the US itself, as well as other nuclear states, who might have the temerity to interfere with Israel’s ever growing land grab policy. What goes around, comes around.


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