Producer Prices SCREAM Inflation, 4.2% YoY (Highest Since 2011) After Powell Tells Congress That Inflation Risk Is Low

by confoundedinterest17

In March, Fed Chair Powell told Congress that inflation risk remains low.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics this morning reported that US Producer Price Index Final Demand year-over-year rose a whopping 4.2%, the highest rate since 2011.

Producer prices (output) are a measure of the change in the price of goods as they leave their place of production (i.e. prices received by domestic producers for their outputs either on the domestic or foreign market).

Even without food, energy and trade, Final Demand Prices rose 3.1% year-over-year.

Of course there is going to be inflation with Biden’s multi-trillion spending spree and The Fed’s prodigious money printing.

Now, defenders of The Fed flag will say that 4.2 is still low. But with Biden and Congress going wild with spending, its only just begun.

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