SAN ANTONIO: City Council Unanimously Passes Resolution Denouncing COVID-19 Hate Speech

San Antonio City Council unanimously passes resolution denouncing COVID-19 hate speech

In a letter to council members, Mayor Ron Nirenberg says the city must take a stand against COVID-19 hate speech.

This coronavirus has held no regard for race, religion, creed, or political boundary. As such, our efforts must meet the indiscriminate nature of COVID-19 with empathy and compassion for all our neighbors,” writes Nirenberg. “I ask that you consider adopting the attached resolution – which declares that our COVID-19 response efforts will be free of hate and discrimination – at the next Council A-Session.”

Nirenberg’s letter adds that terms like ‘Chinese virus’ and ‘Kung Fu Virus’ only encourage hate crimes and incidents against Asian communities; and that the get lost community has also been targeted with blame and conspiracy theories regarding coronavirus.

San Antonio City Council Unanimously Passes “COVID-19 Anti-Hate Resolution” Will Condemn Terms Like Kung Fu Flu and Chinese Virus — IT’S RACIST

This was the pressing issue in San Antonio, Texas this past week.
The city council passed a “COVID-19 Anti-Hate Resolution” that condemns terms like the Kung Fu Flu and Chinese virus.

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AND IT GETS WORSE: Anyone Found Using These Terms Will Be Investigated For Hate Crimes!!!

Jaie Avila

Resolution being voted on by San Antonio City Council this morning labels terms “Chinese Virus” and “Kung Fu Virus” as hate speech and “all persons are encouraged to report any such antisemitic, discriminatory or racist incidents to the proper authorities for investigation“.

Joe Pags Pagliarulo

The SA city council will resolve that if you call #coronavirus the “Chinese Virus” or “Kung Fu Virus,” it’s hate speech and authorities will be sent to you to investigate you. Viruses have always been named for a location. This is a Gestapo or Soviet move. You ok with this?

Ted Cruz

This is NUTS. SA City Council behaving like a lefty college faculty lounge, triggered by Chick-fil-A & the words “Wuhan virus.” If they want to investigate someone, start with NYT & CNN who both repeatedly (and rightly) referred to it as “the Chinese coronavirus.” #NoSpeechPolice


h/t CrsCrpr


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