Turkey Calls Bolton Book “One-Sided and Manipulative”

Mustache is getting himself in deep s***.


Turkey Takes Offense At Bolton Memoir: ‘One-Sided and Manipulative’
By JARRETT STAFF | 06/25/2020

(thegreggjerrett.com) – In the battle of Bolton versus Trump, lines are being drawn. Anti-Trumpers are salivating over the potential gossip they will learn from Bolton’s book, backing their own bias. Others, however, claim Bolton is nothing more than a disgruntled employee who wants some sort of payback at his former boss. Interestingly, a very prevalent figure is fervently disagreeing with Bolton.

Turkish presidential communications director Fahrettin Altun has denounced Bolton’s book, “The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir.” In a series of tweets, Altun contends the book is “misleading, one-sided and manipulative” in its accounts of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s conversations with President Donald Trump.

“We find it reprehensible that former high-level officials attempt to use serious diplomatic conversations and efforts to resolve outstanding issues between allies like the U.S. and Turkey for their domestic political agendas,” said Altun



Judge allows Bolton book to be released, but says he ‘gambled’ with national security
By Adam Shaw | 06/20/2020

(Fox News) – A federal judge on Saturday allowed the forthcoming publication of John Bolton’s memoir to go ahead next week despite concerns it contains classified information – but tore into the former national security adviser for having “gambled” with national security.

“Defendant Bolton has gambled with the national security of the United States. He has exposed his country to harm and himself to civil (and potentially criminal) liability,” Judge Royce Lamberth said in a ruling. “But these facts do not control the motion before the Court. The government has failed to establish that an injunction will prevent irreparable harm.”

But on Saturday, the judge indicated that the government’s case against Bolton was ultimately likely to succeed on its merits. He said that Bolton could have sued the government, but instead sought “unilateral fast-tracking” that “carried the benefit of publicity and sales, and the cost of substantial risk exposure.”

This was Bolton’s bet: if he is right and the book does not contain classified information, he keeps the upside mentioned above; but if he is wrong, he stands to lose his profits from the book deal, exposes himself to criminal liability, and imperils national security,” he said. “Bolton was wrong.”




h/t Fist

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