81 Percent Of Americans Are ‘Concerned About Declining Moral Behavior In Our Nation’

Could it be possible that Americans are more concerned about declining standards of morality than most of us initially thought? A very surprising new survey conducted by LifeWay Research has discovered that a whopping 81 percent of Americans agree with this statement: “I am concerned about declining moral behavior in our nation.” If you follow my work on a regular basis, you already know that moral decay is a theme that I keep coming back to time after time. To me it is quite obvious that moral behavior is deteriorating all around us, but I had no idea that so many other Americans were deeply concerned about the exact same thing.

Since so many people agree that we are facing a moral crisis, the solution should be very simple right?
Unfortunately it is more complicated than that, because there is very little agreement about what our moral values should actually be. Once upon a time the Bible formed the basis for morality in American society, but today things are entirely different.
In 2017, our notions of “right” and “wrong” are constantly shifting because they are not based on anything permanent. The same LifeWay Research survey that I quoted above also found that among Americans 35 years of age and younger, less than 40 percent believe that “right and wrong do not change”…

A new study from Nashville-based LifeWay Research found a significant generation gap in how Americans view morality.
More than 6 in 10 of those older than 45 say right and wrong do not change. For those 35 and younger, fewer than 4 in 10 make that claim.

Needless to say, these survey results appear to be quite contradictory. How can moral behavior be “declining” if we can’t even know for sure what is right and what is wrong?
The same survey also found that nearly two-thirds of Americans (63 percent) believe that “implementing laws to encourage people to act morally is not effective.”
To me, this doesn’t make any sense at all. The truth is that all laws are based on somebody’s values, and all laws are designed to get people to act in a certain way or to not act in a certain way.
If laws are not effective, why do our politicians constantly pass more of them? The reason why most of us adhere to the speed limit is because we don’t want the punishment of getting a ticket. I don’t even want to imagine what our roads would be like if those speed limit laws did not exist, and so I am quite glad that they are there.
The government is constantly “imposing morality” upon us, but most Americans don’t seem to like that.
And Americans are increasingly rejecting church as a moral authority as well. Sam Eaton is the founder of Recklessly Alive Ministries, and in his most recent article he noted a recent study that discovered that less than 20 percent of all American adults under the age of 30 “believe attending a church is important or worthwhile”…

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According to this study (and many others like it) church attendance and impressions of the church are the lowest in recent history, and most drastic among millennials described as 22- to 35-year-olds.

  • Only 2 in 10 Americans under 30 believe attending a church is important or worthwhile (an all-time low).
  • 59 percent of millennials raised in a church have dropped out.
  • 35 percent of millennials have an anti-church stance, believing the church does more harm than good.
  • Millennials are the least likely age group of anyone to attend church (by far).

As I sat in our large church’s annual meeting last month, I looked around for anyone in my age bracket. It was a little like a Titanic search party…

The church in America is already in a state of crisis, and numbers like that should be deeply sobering to faith leaders all over the nation.
In article after article I have warned about the exact same thing. We are losing an entire generation of Americans, and yet most churches just continue on with business as usual as if nothing was wrong.
If we keep doing the same things that we have been doing, we are just going to keep getting the same results and church attendance all over America will continue to decline. Here is more from Sam Eaton

You see, church leaders, our generation just isn’t interested in playing church anymore, and there are real, possible solutions to filling our congregations with young adults. It’s obvious you’re not understanding the gravity of the problem at hand and aren’t nearly as alarmed as you should be about the crossroads we’re at.
You’re complacent, irrelevant and approaching extinction. A smattering of mostly older people, doing mostly the same things they’ve always done, isn’t going to turn to the tide.
Feel free to write to me off as just another angry, selfy-addicted millennial. Believe me, at this point I’m beyond used to being abandoned and ignored.

Perhaps Eaton could have been a bit more gracious in his remarks, but I am telling you that the anger and frustration that you sense in that quote are very real. Whenever I hear from Millennials, the same themes keep coming up over and over again, and it is time for the church to start listening.
Millennials tend to respond positively to authenticity, and they generally aren’t getting it at school, at church or from their government.
Since so many of them lack a solid foundation, a lot of them end up drifting through life without meaning and direction.
So what do we need to do?
We need to get back to the basics, and that means returning to the values and principles that this nation was founded upon. America was founded by strong Christian men and women that believed very strongly in the truths laid out in the Bible.
I have said it before and I will say it again. If we ever want to make America great again, we need to rediscover what made America great in the first place.
In this day and age so many believers are almost ashamed to stand up and say that they are Christians and that they believe that the Bible is the Word of God.
Those that wish to take America away from the values and principles that it was founded upon are very proud of what they believe, and we need to be even prouder of what we believe.
The fate of our country literally hangs in the balance, and so now is definitely not the time to be timid.


21 thoughts on “81 Percent Of Americans Are ‘Concerned About Declining Moral Behavior In Our Nation’”

  1. No they aren’t concerned. They TOLERATE the current POLITICALLY CORRECT atmosphere and surrendered to the fringe. They really aren’t concerned, they don’t care.

    • The Churches and synagogues have been the worst offenders of selling out the USA. I thought separation of church and state would include billions of dollars of barry soetoro money directly into the coffers of Catholic charities, Baptist churches and synagogues helping illegally harbor and profit from the illegal illegal trafficking. Seems you don’t need to separate church and state if Barry can use you to destroy the country, huh?
      Organized religion is ORGANIZED CRIME. Make sure you are not participating in a church that is violating our laws please.
      Right now, church organizations have organized to hide illegals, which is also blatantly illegal and 10 years in prison for every one they help. Get ready demons, that’s a long time in Federal prisons, and in prison YOU are the bottom, boy.

    • Being against “The Church” is not the same as being against religion. Religion is an individual experience that needs no man or woman to tell them how to interpret the teachings they follow. Religious leaders should be more of guides than preachers whom assume the power of the masses. That’s whats wrong with “The Church” idea. It’s a method of centralizing control over the population.
      But yeah, it also doesn’t help that the church is the biggest importer of third world immigration across the west assisting in our destruction and propheting off it at the same time. Its been corrupted for awhile now but has lost its way since it went full libtard in the 60’s reversing almost every policy that once stood as the pillar to always fall back on when society was falling. Now that’s gone and things will continue to fall. We’re not at rock bottom yet.

      • Churches propheting, that is a good one. We know that Jesus was a conservative and not a libtard. You are correct, religion is a personal issue and we are known by our deeds and not our words.

  2. I think the problem is pretty basic. The New World Odor people are depending on destruction of all conventional norms and any cohesiveness among those in Western Civilization. In order to do this they must destroy the foundations. They are after religion, government accountability, etc..
    Add to this the fact that today’s lifestyle is very busy. Too busy. What interests are encouraged are detrimental to good order. The youth are doomed unless something happens to change the indoctrination. The older people are just tired.

    • I’m not sure that religions are the foundations of civilization, they seem to me to be methods of social control. I am nervous about ideologies based on fear, shame, and guilt. I don’t believe that humanity needs religion to be good. I think that we are inherently friendly, social, well behaved mammals. The youth are saved because we have told them there is indoctrination; it is up to them to figure out what that is and who is behind it. It is not too hard with google.

  3. When the lights go out and the water stops running for a week, the Democrat’s pet welfare hordes (aka) constituents, will commence eating them and theirs alive. Cooked too..

  4. Moral behavior ,ETHICS,HONESTY, professional oaths?,witness swearing in, all are based on old christian dogma. The insurgent aliens here don’t believe any of it never will.
    The blacks do not follow or believe in the BIG HOUSE in DA SKY, never did. The GOLF BUM was on his knees pounding the ground 5 times a day in OUR WHITE HOUSE, and nobody said boo.!
    Mexican insurgent aliens pretend to be Catholics but still do the old astec cannable rules , their street gangs even have a saint for murders.
    Maybe a good place to start rebuilding the USA would be a return to some truth telling from the White House like trump started then ran away.
    This nation is run by the Isralies and everyone on earth knows they have NO MORALS or ETHICS except total corruption of the laws.
    Just ask WHY is the USA giving our food stamp MONEY to the RICHEST people on EARTH the isralies?

  5. Never forget this:
    “A country is it’s people, change the people, change the country.” — me? [I doubt it]
    The reason Americans are concerned our country has turned to shit, is because our country has turned to shit! It is now a 3rd world country, because:
    “You cannot rebuild your civilization with somebody else’s babies.” –Steve King.
    King had to “walk back” his statement, but I don’t. I’m not a politician and I can reiterate the truth. If anyone thought, you could import 3rd world refuse without taking only the “best” that could possibly add to the nation, and not expect OUR nation to turn into the 3rd world hellholes THEY came from, is either a lunatic or an idiot.
    All studies show, there is a min requirement of a 97 IQ to participate in a modern society, and on average, that just ain’t the case with the legal and illegals we are getting, and IT SHOWS.
    Good luck buttercup. Our women have closed shop. They don’t make babies anymore. Our rulers need soldiers, and they think any soldier will do. WRONG, ask Saudi Arabia, with their mercs from south america that can’t fight and win against sheep herders that really don’t want to die, completely overmatched with airpower and the most modern weapons and illegal ones at that! From cluster bombs to fuel air explosives to white phosphorous to things even I haven’t been made aware of yet.

      • Yeah, I find that real strange. Not just because the US govt is killing or harassing their own assassins, but I just read a book, about a member of the team that “shot OBL” Rob O’Neil.
        After I suspended disbelief, given we all know OBL died in November, 2001 from Marfan’s Syndrome as confirmed by multiple Leaders of Foreign Govts, how is this dude alive to write a book, if they killed off the team that killed OBL?
        Maybe MISO/Psyops no longer need to even keep internal consistency?
        The book is entitled: “The Operator Firing the Shots that Killed Osama bin Laden by Robert O’Neill”
        I started to read their books because I noticed an unusual number of Spec Ops and Generals on “news” shows on cable TV, and I thought, wtf, they think we don’t know Spec Ops are just running Ops on us? So as I suspected, his book is just a recruitment ploy to get more “Military men [that] are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.” –Kissinger…and it was.
        Rob said that he was so “happy” to get his first kill. ffs. Seriously? Coming at night, total surprise, best equip and training, attacking farmers sleeping, allowing them stunned awake to grab at their rifles so they can literally “canoe” them, that is shoot them in their forehead, in such a way that it blows the top of their heads off. Yeah, the Spec Ops guys, who have to take pics of all their kills like Indians getting their scalps, shoot people in the forehead because it blows off the top of the head and leaves a “canoe” like gorge through the victim’s brain.
        Got to look up to people like that!

  6. Rom 1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
    Rom 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
    Rom 1:29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
    Rom 1:30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
    Rom 1:31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
    Rom 1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

  7. Encouraging poll, and we can assume that 80% of Americans understand correct moral behavior and practice or attempt to. Probably a higher figure than I would have guessed but I am a pessimist so that I can occasionally be pleasantly surprised.

  8. The truth is that the authenticity gap is real. We just had a presidential election where we had to elect the more truthful of the two megalomaniacal narcissists. This reality has also seeped into the churches. Today’s evangelical pastors are a bunch of skinny-jean-wearing metro pseudo males with manlier “pastrix” wives pulling the strings and carrying the family jewels. Put the men back in the church and see if that helps. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3f67b025d967decb0ac329f2634264b2350316d8e70527d3183d77864535669a.jpg


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