A Small Social Experiment on the Effectiveness of Media Brainwashing

by Mark Angelides

With recent denouncements of President Trump and the entirely unsurprising calls for impeachment (that were in fact being called for by the same people before he even took office), coupled with the fact that yesterday marked 18 years to the day that the Clinton impeachment began, I thought I might try a small social experiment to find out just how much work has been done by the Liberal media to brainwash today’s youth.
This is an incredibly unscientific experiment, but every word is true.
Not being an American, I do pride myself on having a fairly good grasp of American politics and political history for a foreigner. I know for example that Andrew Johnson, the 17th President, was the first President impeached under the Constitution. I also know that Bill Clinton was the second President impeached. But I wondered how many of the “younger Americans” I work with would actually know any of this.
I set out three questions to ask the people individually (they range in ages from 25 to 30):

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  1. How many Presidents have ever been impeached?
  2. Who were they?
  3. What can a President be impeached for?

There were some interesting follow up questions, too. Can you make any predictions on the answers? Personally, I was quite shocked by the results, but it did confirm my suspicions that the young are under a complete media assault to control perception.
Question 1 Results:
Not a single person knew that two Presidents had been successfully impeached. The most notable guesses were “zero” and “about twenty”.
Question 2 Results:
After being informed that there were in fact two Presidents successfully impeached, I asked who they might be. Almost all said Richard Nixon, one said Andrew Jackson (although they probably meant Johnson), and here is the BIG deal…Not a single person said Bill Clinton!!! Not one!
I was blown away. This was within their lifetimes, we have just had an election where Bill was hardly off the screens, surely this must be basic common knowledge? But no. Not a single person said his name…and it gets worse.
When I said that one of the impeached Presidents was Bill Clinton, I was uniformly met with quizzical frowns, and more than half of the people said the exact words: “What? For having an affair?” At which point I explained that having an affair is not grounds for impeachment, so I asked the third question.
Question 3 Results:
This was perhaps the most disappointing in terms of comedy value, but interesting in a big-picture kind of way. Mostly they responded with blank stares initially, and then admissions that they didn’t know. One answer did stand out though: Taking us into a war. Hmmmm.
I couldn’t believe that it was merely a coincidence that a group of Americans, all from different states, could have slept through the whole of their school days (and subsequent life). Which got me thinking that perhaps they did know about Bill Clinton once, but the MSM have done such a good job of shaping their minds, that they have now forgotten. I wonder what the next piece of inconvenient history to be erased will be?


4 thoughts on “A Small Social Experiment on the Effectiveness of Media Brainwashing”

  1. A good try, Mark, but Amerikans are braindead and clueless – and growing more so every day – EVEN after MSM was outed for being the biggest fakes of all, but I would imagine most viewers have returned because ‘all it takes is turning on the TV’.
    And everyone knows how incredibly fucking lazy most Amerikans are.
    This nation is a lost cause, and the politicians all know it. They do as they please, get away with murder and treason, illegal acts everyday, and we’re looking for a People to ‘change things’…….when they approach a small cross street, walking, on a green light, and cannot cross the street until a WALK signal ‘tells’ them to?
    No, no. A TRUE Zombie Apocalypse took place without anyone even knowing it. The best part?
    They really do believe themselves to be smart, educated, informed, and know it all. Hey; We’re ‘exceptional’, right?
    I hope to soon be leaving this country. I had hoped for an awakening, but it seems that returning to slumber and waiting to be told what to do is simply too enticing.

    • “when they approach a small cross street, walking, on a green light, and cannot cross the street until a WALK signal ‘tells’ them to?”
      Good one, hadn’t heard that before out here in blogoland.
      If you look at my post above you will see my point of view using the words of the masters of war by deception.
      Where can you really move to that isn’t part of the technocratic Agenda 21 and 2030 plan?

      • I have a place long ago researched and set up, but I’m certainly not broadcasting it!
        Don’t know if someone’s using my example, for I have been posting it online for 4 or 5 years. It just amazes me, as the other morning at 7am, 2 yuppie joggers, about 3 fucking cars on the road, RUN up to a green light, and actually pushed the fucking WALK button, jogging in place until they were ‘told’ they were allowed to cross.
        The stupidity and lack of will in this country amazes me.

  2. “I couldn’t believe that it was merely a coincidence”
    Welcome to America Mark. You should have asked if they were any of the 50-100 million who watched the latest Katy Perry MKULTRA video, but then they wouldn’t know what MKULTRA meant.
    This is the success of the Zio/NWO sociopath’s agenda to take down the last majority white, Republic in the world. In their own words…
    “We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.”
    (You Gentiles, by Jewish Author Maurice Samuels, p. 155).
    “It does not matter what you do, America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the worlds’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of god. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.
    Benjamin Netanyahoo 1990
    Ariel Sharon: “We, the Jewish People, Control America, and The Americans Know it.”


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