Another Story Exposing Good or Evil Making Headline News In Africa

News for a destraction from the every growing discovery of elite pedophiles or just another story for a new vaccine? A new Ebola epidemic has been declared in the Democratic Republic of Congo after the deaths of three people thought to be linked to the virus. The country’s health ministry confirmed one person has tested positive for the virus. The World Health Organisation confirmed that the DR Congo had informed them of a lab-confirmed case of the disease. The case was confirmed from tests on nine people who came down with a hemorrhagic fever in Bas-Uele province in the northeast of the country on or after April 22, the statement said. Spokesman Eric Kabambi said: ‘The case is in a very remote zone, very forested, so we are a little lucky. We always take this very seriously’ The disease was first identified in 1976.
The largest outbreak:…c-of-Congo
Getting rich from the poor as the world turns – “Bill Gates And CDC Own Ebola Vaccine Patent”

Corruption and violence in Congo | Enough Project

People & Power – How to Rob Africa
The world’s wealthy countries often criticise African nations for corruption – especially that perpetrated by those among the continent’s government and business leaders who abuse their positions by looting tens of billions of dollars in national assets or the profits from state-owned enterprises that could otherwise be use to relieve the plight of some of the world’s poorest peoples.


1 thought on “Another Story Exposing Good or Evil Making Headline News In Africa”

  1. Hmmmmmm no wonder Time magazine was pushing a pandemic a week or so ago in their magazine!!! Gosh….who’d a thunk it? Apparently we are in for another Ebola billion dollar crisis to make some folks richer this summer….coming to a country near you…..!!!!


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