Before The Election, We Were Told This Was Russian Disinformation…

Federal criminal investigation into Hunter Biden focuses on his business dealings in China.

(CNN)After going quiet in the months before the election, federal authorities are now actively investigating the business dealings of Hunter Biden, a person with knowledge of the probe said. His father, President-elect Joe Biden, is not implicated.

Now that the election is over, the investigation is entering a new phase. Federal prosecutors in Delaware, working with the IRS Criminal Investigation agency and the FBI, are taking overt steps such as issuing subpoenas and seeking interviews, the person with knowledge said.

INVESTIGATE ALL THE BIDENS! Joe Biden’s brother is reportedly also being investigated by federal prosecutors.

Related: House Intel Republicans not told about Eric Swalwell’s relationship with Chinese spy.

The press / social media blackout on this is just another reason why a Biden presidency will be widely regarded as illegitimate. Before the election, my column on this subject was spiked because of journalistic ethics or something.

Plus: Swalwell’s Swill. “The spy not only infiltrated Rep. Eric Swalwell’s network, she may have shared his bed, or so we can infer from Swalwell’s assertion that the response to the question whether she did may be ‘classified.’ Axios seems to have missed that aspect of the story, which the New York Post picked up here.”


Eric Swalwell Implicates Democrat Leadership, Blames Trump for Revelation of Chinese Spy Who Infiltrated Him.

Flashback: Clinton’s cash for access diplomacy: Hillary Clinton ran a pay-to-play program at the Clinton Foundation while she was Secretary of State.

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1998 Flashback: Charlie Trie Indicted: Clinton Friend Linked To Questionable Fund Raising. “Congressional investigators have alleged that some of the money Trie contributed to Clinton and the Democrats may have come from sources in China, which are barred by federal law from contributing to American election campaigns. Trie also has been linked to schemes by which money was distributed to people legally able to contribute, who then allegedly donated it to the Democrats in their names in order to conceal the actual source of the funds.”

It’s as if the Democratic Party leadership is a subsidiary of the CCP. And has been for a while.

WILL NPR AND CNN FOLLOW THE FACTS? Don’t hold your breath. That said,’s John Solomon has been following and breaking news about Hunter Biden since at least October. And what the lapdogs insisted was “Russian disinformation” turns out to be pretty well-supported. Solomon details an email from Biden’s lawyer and partner at the time warning him that:

“The January 2017 email suggests Hunter Biden made anywhere from $833,614 to more than $2.5 million a year in the second term of the Obama-Biden administration as he and his partners pursued global business deals in Ukraine, Russia, China and other foreign countries. But it also raised questions about his finances and accounting beyond the alleged Burisma tax payment that was overdue. Schwerin’s email suggested Hunter Biden borrowed money from his company, and also had claimed as income monies he did not receive. “You didn’t receive this in cash and it is in reality ‘phantom income,’” Schwerin wrote Hunter Biden in explaining some transactions.”

Like the Good Professor says: “Read the Whole Thing.”™

‘THIS WAS BAD FAITH ALL THE WAY DOWN:’ Drew Holden pulls the receipts on those who buried the Hunter Biden story.

Earlier: CNN anchor touts $380 ‘facts first’ cashmere sweater after network spiked Hunter Biden story during campaign.

JIM TREACHER: So, Hunter Biden’s Laptop Was Real After All, Huh?

Well, they did it. They swept the story under the rug because they knew it was bad for the guy who wanted to replace Trump, and they didn’t care about anything but replacing Trump. They weren’t worried about integrity, reputation, professionalism, or anything else that might have kept them from lying.

After all, who’s gonna stop ’em? You? Me? They don’t care about us. All journalists care about is giving each other awards and basking in the praise of their bosses in the Democratic Party.

Now they’re doing the same thing with Eric Swalwell. He’s embroiled in a huge scandal, and they’re just pretending it isn’t happening. After all, he has a (D) after his name and they’re team players.

I don’t believe the Democrats stole the election. But via their enablers in NYC and Silicon Valley, they covered up the truth about the Biden family to sway the outcome of the election.

If you didn’t trust them before Election Day, all they’ve done is prove you right. And now they’ll hate you even more for it.

h/t Glenn


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