Biden crashed the economy in just 100 days… Stagflation, higher taxes and rising gas prices. 2021 meet 1979.

WELCOME BACK CARTER: Gas Lines, Inflation, Rising Unemployment Return Under Biden.

Related: Gas Lines Return as Woke Deep State Fails to Stop Cyber Attack.

Biden’s Unemployment Checks Would Harm Economy

Price INflation – Debt DEflation

Take a look at the stock market during the 1970s. A high consumer price inflation environment is not “good” for stocks.

Billionaire Investor Ackman Says Sustained Inflation Could Be a ‘Black Swan’ for the Stock Market

Bill Ackman told Interactive Investor the Federal Reserve’s policy is partly to blame for coming inflation and an ‘explosive GDP recovery,’ in the US.

Consumers Expect Surging Inflation to Crush the Purchasing Power of their Labor: Fed’s Survey

And there are some whoppers. Consumers are picking up on the rise of inflation, and the Fed, which has been trying to heat up inflation, is pleased. The Fed watches “inflation expectations” carefully. The minutes from the March FOMC meeting mention “inflation expectations” 12 times.

Nobody Wants To Work: Job Openings Soar To Record High 8.1 Million, Smashing Wall Street Expectations

In case we needed more proof that the US labor market is in a supply-demand mismatch crisis, a few hours after the latest NFIB showed that it has never been more difficult for small business to fill job openings, moments ago the BLS confirmed what we expected: that the number of job openings in March (recall JOLTS is one month delayed) soared by a massive 597K to 8.123MM in March from an upward revised 7.5MM in February, and the highest on record!


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