Bill Clinton And The Pedophile: The Sex Scandal That Could Destroy Hillary’s Presidential Ambitions

By Michael Snyder
Bill Clinton - Public Domain
Why did a convicted billionaire pedophile named Jeffrey Epstein that pimped out underage girls to powerful men have 21 contact phone numbers for Bill Clinton?  And why did Clinton fly on “multiple occasions” to the private Caribbean island where Epstein regularly held wild sexual orgies?  Let me give you a hint: it was not to discuss politics over milk and cookies.  Every once in a while, we get a small peek into the twisted sexual world of the global elite.  In this case, a Florida lawsuit that alleges that Britain’s Prince Andrewhad sex with a 17-year-old “sex slave” provided by Epstein is making headlines all over the planet.  But of potentially even greater importance is what this lawsuit is revealing about Bill Clinton.  If it can be proven that Bill Clinton had sex with underage girls provided by Jeffrey Epstein, that could potentially destroy any chance that Hillary Clinton has of winning the presidency in 2016.
The 17-year-old girl that Prince Andrew is alleged to have had sex with is named Virginia Roberts.  She is claiming that she once received $15,000 for having sex with him…

A teenage “sex slave” says she was paid $15,000 for bedding Britain’s Prince Andrew by the American billionaire who served as the royal’s procurer.
Virginia Roberts was 17 when Wall Street honcho and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein allegedly pimped her out to the prince.
“A lot of powerful men were part of Jeffrey’s scene, but I specifically remember Andrew,” Roberts told Britain’s Daily Mail.

And it is a fact that Jeffrey Epstein is a convicted sex offender.  He was convicted by a court of law for paying a 14-year-old girl 300 dollars to massage him and have sex with him…

Epstein’s sexual exploits have been documented since 2005, when a woman in Palm Beach contacted police saying that her 14-year-old daughter had been paid $300 to massage him and then have sex.
The claim prompted a nearly year-long investigation that led to the eventual charge of soliciting prostitution which came as part of a plea deal. He spent 13 months of a 18-month sentence in jail and remains a registered sex offender.

Since that time, approximately 40 other women have accused Epstein of sexual misconduct.
So needless to say, this is one very sick individual.
And right now the mainstream media in the U.S. is largely ignoring the fact that Bill Clinton flew down to Epstein’s private Caribbean island on “multiple occasions” between 2002 and 2005.  The following is from a British news source

Over the years, the casually-dressed, globe-trotting financier, who was said to log more than 600 flying hours a year, has been linked with Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, Chris Tucker and Manhattan-London society figure Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of the late media titan Robert Maxwell.
Epstein reportedly flew Tucker and Spacey to Africa on his private jet as part of a charitable endeavour. Clinton, meanwhile, flew on multiple occasions in the same plane to Epstein’s private Caribbean island, Little St James, between 2002 and 2005 as he developed his philanthropic post-presidential career. It would later be alleged in court that Epstein organised orgies on that same private island in the US Virgin Islands.

A lot of Democrats are going to end up reading this article, and a lot of them are going to start making apologies for Clinton at this point.
So let’s get one thing straight.  It is not okay for anyone to have sex with underage girls.  Whoever breaks the law by doing so deserves to go to prison.  That includes Bill Clinton if it can be proven that he did this.
And without a doubt, Clinton and Epstein were very close.  In fact, court records show that Epstein had 21 different phone numbers for Clinton…

While Clinton was never deposed, lawyers obtained Epstein’s computerized phone directory, which included “e-mail addresses for Clinton along with 21 phone numbers for him, including those for his assistant (Doug Band),” according to a court filing.

In addition, Epstein had contact information for a whole host of other powerful politicians and celebrities

From his 97-page ‘black book’ of phone numbers and email addresses, it is clear Epstein had an impressive array of contacts.
When its contents were disclosed three years ago, the book was shown to include contact details for former US President Bill Clinton, ex-secretary of state Henry Kissinger, and Barbara Walters, then one of America’s most influential broadcasters.
Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson’s details are there, along with entrepreneur Donald Trump, members of the Kennedy family and former prime minister Tony Blair.

If this scandal is not covered up, it could eventually bring down a lot of people.
What makes things even worse for Bill Clinton (and others) is that Epstein apparently used hidden cameras to record the sexual trysts that were going on in his guest bedrooms.  The following is from an article that appeared in the Mirror

Prince Andrew’s tycoon pal may have taken compromising photos of him with the underage girl he is alleged to have abused.
Details buried in original court papers filed against pervert Jeffrey Epstein, 61, reveal that he recorded the sordid orgies he threw for VIPs at his luxury homes using cameras hidden in the walls of guest bedrooms.

So if Bill Clinton did commit a crime, somewhere there may actually be video of it.
But wait, there’s even more to this story.  The following comes from the Daily Mail

The lawsuit claims that Clinton was friends with an unnamed woman who ‘kept images of naked underage children on her computer, helped to recruit underage children for Epstein… and photographed underage females in sexually explicit poses‘.
While he cut off ties with Epstein, this woman’s abuses apparently did not end their relationship as she was reportedly one of the 400 guests at Chelsea Clinton’s 2010 wedding.
Though the lawsuit may be bringing up sexual skeleton’s from Clinton’s past, he has added to the drama of late by posing for a photo with two known prostitutes at a fundraiser in Los Angeles last month.

Obviously Bill Clinton has a lot of hard questions that he needs to answer.
But if Bill Clinton cannot be charged with a crime, will the American people even care what else he did?
After all, there is a long history of the American people being willing to overlook his sexual promiscuity.
For example, in a book published last year entitled “The First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of Presidents“, it was documented that one of Clinton’s latest girlfriends known as “the Energizer” sometimes brought cookies to the Secret Service agents that guard Bill…

Energizer, who is described as charming and friendly, sometimes brought cookies to the agents, according to the book excerpts.
One told Kessler: “It was a warm day, and she was wearing a low-cut tank top, and as she leaned over, her breasts were very exposed. They appeared to be very perky and very new and full … There was no doubt in my mind they were enhanced.”
Kessler also reports that Hillary’s Secret Service detail informs Bill’s Secret Service detail when the former first lady is coming home, so Bill has time to get Energizer off the property and clean up any evidence.

That revelation certainly did very little to upset the Hillary for president bandwagon.
So will these new revelations about Bill’s relationship with Jeffrey Epstein have an impact?
We shall see…

7 thoughts on “Bill Clinton And The Pedophile: The Sex Scandal That Could Destroy Hillary’s Presidential Ambitions”

  1. Only the NSA knows for sure. But Bill and Hillary have already paid their debts to Israel and the banking industry, so they have nothing to worry about unless they screw up in the future, which is highly unlikely.

  2. Hilary Clinton is also guilty as well. If people check out talks given by Cathy O’Brien who was a former mind control sex slave victim, she states that not only Bill Clinton is guilty but also that Hilary Clinton is as well. There is more dirt than the Earth has for these scumbags.

  3. This has been going on for a very long time, and will continue to go on. The MSM will 1) sweep this under the rug, and 2) attack and discredit anyone who dares expose the perversions of the one percent.


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