Black Lives Matter caught making homemade BOMBS out of fireworks, lacing them with NAILS

by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) A Black Lives Matter (BLM) “protest” group in Georgia modified fireworks and turned them into nail-laced bombs that they chucked at the Atlanta Field Office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a new document obtained by federal law enforcement officers reveals.

The commercial-grade fireworks-turned-bombs were discovered almost immediately after the “protest” ended last Sunday, prompting federal officials to investigate. What they found is that the makeshift devices were intentionally tweaked to make them deadly, putting the very lives of BLM targets at risk.

“The alert states that approximately 100 to 200 people dressed in dark clothing, backpacks, goggles, and helmets approached the ICE office in Atlanta,” writes Bob Price for Breitbart News, referring to an “activity alert” that was issued by the FBI following the incident. “The subjects reportedly carried shields, bats, and large sticks.”

Some of the fallout from the incident included 20 broken windows and the remnants of “commercial-grade fireworks with nails embedded in the mortar shell,” according to bomb technicians. You can see these embedded nails for yourself in the following image:

The incident in which this all occurred had originally been dubbed as a “Freedom Fighters” event based out of Portland, which quickly spread all the way across the country to Atlanta after organizers called on BLM “activists” from other cities to take a stand in “solidarity.”

Video footage of the incident, which you can watch on Twitter, shows some of these firework bombs going off in front of the Atlanta ICE field office.

Atlanta “protesters” used green lasers to BLIND law enforcement

Some of the “protesters” there also reportedly used green lasers to try to blind and impair law enforcement officers from trying to intervene. They also smashed windows, set fires, and inflicted whatever mayhem they could on the facility.

“This kind of device is clearly designed to maim or injure anyone who might be close when it goes off,” stated an unidentified federal official about the firework bombs, speaking on the condition of anonymity as he is not permitted to speak publicly about this investigation.

Other buildings that incurred damage and destruction include various immigration-related field offices, including an immigration court where immigrants go to receive documents and comply with the laws concerning their presence in the United States.

Federal Protective Services (FPS), along with the FBI and the Atlanta Police Department, are all looking into the matter further as part of a multi-agency investigation. They hope to determine who is responsible and hold them accountable.

Mainstream media still falsely claiming that the “protests” are all “peaceful”

Despite continued violent incidents such as this, the mainstream media, including ABC News, is still falsely claiming that BLM “protesters” are all acting peacefully and with civility, and that all reports of extreme violence and destruction are “fake news.”

In Oakland, California, as another example, where “protesters” vandalized and set fire to a police station, ABC News reported the incident as “peaceful.” After receiving a flood of tweets challenging this false claim, ABC News responded by saying that it was “a peaceful demonstration” that merely “intensified.”

“These people are not protesters, they are terrorists,” wrote one Breitbart News commenter, affirming what President Donald Trump has previously stated about these violent groups being akin to domestic terrorists.

“Use the Insurrection Act to blow them away,” wrote another, offering a slightly different perspective on the situation. “They are not protesters but traitors to the U.S. and deserve terminal sanctions.”

More of the latest news about the endless chaos and destruction being fomented by the violent left is available at

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