Maxine Waters CHARGED!

The House ethics committee on Monday outlined its charges against Rep. Maxine Waters, who is accused of helping a bank in which her husband owned stock secure federal bailout funds.
The committee charged the 10-term California Democrat with three counts of violating House rules and the federal ethics code in connection with her effort to arrange a 2008 meeting between Treasury officials and representatives with OneUnited bank.
The panel said Waters, who sits on the Financial Services Committee, broke a House rule requiring members to behave in a way that reflects “creditably” on the chamber. The committee said that by trying to assist OneUnited, she stood to benefit directly, because her husband owned a sizable amount of stock that would have been “worthless” if the bank failed.
The committee also accused Waters of violating the “spirit” of a House rule prohibiting lawmakers from using their positions for financial gain, as well as a government ethics statute banning the dispensing of “special favors.”
Waters has vehemently denied wrongdoing and said she would rather defend herself at an ethics trial than admit to “something I did not do.”
BROKE! Maxine Waters’ Individual Campaign Contributions Dry Up, Owes Daughter Big $$$
Despite Maxine Waters’ elevated profile following the election of Donald Trump, the Democrat Congresswoman is in financial despair. Campaign filings reveal Waters received a paltry $22,000 in individual contributions this year and owes her daughter $100,000 for political mailer services.
The campaign has compensated for the low amount of individual contributions by pulling in six figures from political action committees. The campaign reported $2,500 from PACs during the first quarter and $99,500 during the second quarter.
Rep. Waters’ campaign now has $193,714.02 cash on hand and debts totaling $128,748.12. A majority of the debt is owed to Karen Waters, the daughter of Maxine Waters.
Read more:
Reporter Confronts Maxine Waters About Her Russian Investments:

(Maxine Waters comes in at 7:10 mark)

Even black people hate her!
Black Trump Supporter Goes Nuclear on Maxine Waters: “You Have Destroyed the Black Community With Illegal Immigration!”
Trump supporter: “People are tired with your hate and your racism! All the jobs went to illegals! You have destroyed the black community! You are a black racist! You hate blacks! All the jobs went to illegals! You gave our jobs to illegals! We want you out!”

h/t GoldenRuled

12 thoughts on “Maxine Waters CHARGED!”

  1. THANK YOU GOD!!!! Now maybe that loud mouthed SHITBAG won’t be all over the news anymore carrying on about Donald!!!! Ain’t life a bitch there shank? Gotta Love IT!!!!!!

  2. why do you think she wants trump impeached so bad,she wants back on the gravy train with all the other corrupt democrats hitlery,pelosi,shumer.there all rats

  3. Maxine now has three US Government ethics violations against her. She directed the US Treasury to the bank that her husband works at, to do business.
    Maxine has little money, and the money that she does have, most of it she owes to other people.
    She is running for re-election, with no, or just around $40,000.00.
    Can’t wait to see how these 3 ethics violations resolve themselves


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