China Cancels Trade Deal & Negotiations Thinking It Has More Leverage To Ask For More From Trump?

China Wants More Talks Before Signing “Phase One” Trade Deal. Is anyone surprised? Because they shouldn’t be!

Futures Tumble, Stocks Slide As China Wants More Talks Before Signing “Phase One” Trade Deal…

Over the last 6 months, any time that China thinks that it has a lot more negotiating leverage (the upper hand) over Trump to get a better trade deal, it has asked for 3 main things which Trump has already turned down multiple times.
1) The US removes all tariffs on Chinese goods as a “gesture of good faith” in trade negotiations
2) US drops all charges against the Huawei CFO and has her released from her detainment in Canada (so far the Chinese have had her extradition blocked to the US from Canada)
3) Huawei is removed from the US entity list.…



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