Civil Unrest Is Inevitable – Here’s How It Will Be Exploited To Bring In Tyranny

Mass civil unrest is a cumbersome weapon for societal change; like an oversized caveman club made of oak. You can barely swing it, and when you do you might destroy an enemy with it but you could also unwittingly destroy innocent people at the same time. Once the weapon is in motion adjusting its direction or momentum becomes difficult.

I prefer the scalpel approach – Find the cancer and cut it out directly, rather than bashing at the whole body just to get at one tumor.

Another problem with protests and riots is that they often have no discernible goals, or they lose track of their goals almost immediately. When the initial protests started, they targeted the police precinct in Minneapolis which was home to the officers that killed George Floyd. In my view this was perfectly acceptable. At this stage a majority of Americans were on their side. Many conservatives and law enforcement officers even came out in support of these measures and admonished the actions that violated common police procedure and led to unnecessary death.

But now, the situation has turned into something far beyond the killing of George Floyd. It has become a vehicle for agendas and not surprisingly the establishment benefits most; the very establishment the protesters think they are fighting against.

The riots have been co-opted. Where whites and blacks, conservatives and liberals alike were mostly in agreement, now there are attempts at racial division. Why is the death of Floyd being presented as a race issue in the first place? Why is it not being presented as a psychopath issue?  There are psychopaths in every race in equal numbers, and this should be people’s focus. In other words, psychopaths must be removed from society, whether they be police, politicians, business leaders, “caretakers”, etc. How about some examples…

In Mesa, Arizona in 2017, a white man named Daniel Shaver was murdered by officer Phillip Brailsford after an anonymous tip told police he had a rifle in his hotel room. Though it is not illegal to own a rifle in Arizona and certainly not illegal to bring one into a hotel, a team of officers was sent armed with AR-15s to approach and arrest Shaver. Brailsford ordered the frightened Shaver to crawl across the floor instead of asking him to lay on the ground with his hands and feet spread as is normal police procedure. The man, sobbing in terror, reached to pull up his shorts which were falling off, and was riddled with bullets by Brailsford.

Watching the video, it is clear that Brailsford created a situation in which Shaver could easily “make a mistake” and thereby manufacture an excuse for the officer to kill him in cold blood. As it turned out, the rifle Shaver had in his room was a BB gun. A jury later acquitted Brailsford of any wrongdoing on the grounds that they could not determine “his thoughts and feelings” at the time of the shooting. This sounds strange to me and I don’t think most people on trial for murder get anywhere near the same latitude with so much evidence on hand.

On the same day in North Carolina an officer was sentenced to 20 years in prison for the murder of an unarmed motorist. The difference? The motorist in South Carolina was black.

The point is, psychopathic cops kill people regardless of their skin color. White people are at risk as much as black people. But at least when a black person is wrongly killed, the public and the media might take serious notice. There were no nationwide protests or riots for Daniel Shaver. The establishment works in favor of psychopaths, not white people. In fact, Phillip Brailsford was fired and then REHIRED for a short time by the Mesa Police so that he could still apply for his pension.

What about psychopaths that aren’t white cops? Oh, there are plenty of them, too. How about Mohamed Noor, a BLACK Minneapolis police officer that killed an unarmed white woman, Justine Ruszczyk, in 2017 while responding to her 911 call? Leftist activists including those at the NAACP at the time claimed that Noor was being “unfairly targeted” because he was black. There were no protests or riots for Justine Ruszczyk. Though, luckily, Mohamed Noor did go to jail for his crime.

And if we are going to continue following the thread of violence and psychopathy vs. race, I can’t leave out the black resident in Detroit that filmed himself torturing elderly nursing home patients by beating them repeatedly in their beds, completely unable to defend themselves. The man has been arrested, but again, no riots yet over this horror show.

There are evil people of every race and ethnicity in this world that do terrible things, however, the worst people are those that exploit the tensions that these evil people create in order to turn crisis into opportunity. The reason there are riots happening globally now in the wake of the death of George Floyd is because people are angry, but also, people are malleable and easy to manipulate when they are angry.

The country has just partially “reopened” from the pandemic lockdowns, and more lockdowns are likely before the year is out. Over 40 million people lost their jobs during the economic shutdown and the government checks are not going to sustain the public much longer. Only 13% to 18% of small businesses that requested aid actually received money from the small business bailout, and most of those that did not get money are facing closure. Government restrictions have been accelerating, and people are already on edge. Riots are now an inevitable part of daily life in America.

But with events like the death of George Floyd, the riots can be manipulated.

The rage of the masses can be directed on false issues of race and surface level left/right politics instead of being directed at corrupt government and the elites that created the economic mess we now see before us. The protests over George Floyd started out by raising questions on abuse of power by police, a legitimate cause.  Now they have been poisoned by race politics and outsiders seeking to create useful chaos.

Provocateurs have infiltrated the protests and are attempting to trigger indiscriminate violence. Pre-staged weapons such as piles of bricks, bottles and other items have been appearing magically in protest zones. Property is being destroyed by people not connected to the main protest groups. Odd occurrences are popping up everywhere.

Here is where this is all headed…

As I predicted in 2016 just after the election of Donald Trump, it appears the goal of the establishment is to produce extreme division among the American public and then exploit the hard-left as a weapon to frighten conservatives into supporting martial law. In my article ‘Order Out Of Chaos: Defeat Of The Left Comes With A Cost’, I stated:

With Trump and conservatives taking near-total power after the Left had assumed they would never lose again, their reaction has been to transform. They are stepping away from the normal activities and mindset of cultural Marxism and evolving into full blown communists. Instead of admitting that their ideology is a failure in every respect, they are doubling down.

When this evolution is complete, the Left WILL resort to direct violent action on a larger scale, and they will do so with a clear conscience because, in their minds, they are fighting fascism. Ironically, it will be this behavior by leftists that may actually push conservatives towards a fascist model. Conservatives might decide to fight crazy with more crazy.”

Donald Trump has consistently discussed the use of the National Guard in response to the pandemic and the protests. And now, he is apparently considering using the Insurrection Act to deploy heavily armed military forces to US soil.

Is it just a coincidence that conservatives were the most opposed to medical martial law only a week ago in the face of the pandemic, and now they are considering the merits of martial law in the face of the leftist influenced riots? And who actually benefits from this? Perhaps the elitist establishment that’s been calling for martial law measures from the very beginning?

I have been hearing the narrative everywhere in liberty movement circles that “civil war is here” and “we have to support Trump and martial law to stop it”.   Firstly, I have been warning for years that Trump is controlled opposition.  His cabinet is overflowing with the same banking elites and globalists that the liberty movement stands against. Giving Trump martial law powers is no different than giving the elites around him martial law powers.  If you support martial law and overarching government then you are NOT a conservative, you are a statist, and statists must be opposed by all who value freedom.

These people also don’t understand what “civil war” actually is.  Groups of people protesting is not a war.  What I see primarily is a bunch of ignorant children posing for Instagram photos and pretending they are activists.  And if as the evidence suggests there is a provocateur element infiltrating these protests to stir up violence, then isn’t it possible that their goal is to get us to back martial law policies?

If the infiltrators are extremist communist organizations like Antifa or Black Lives Matter that receive funding from elites like George Soros and his Open Society Foundation, then we should consider the possibility that the intention is not just to influence the protests, but to also influence conservatives to react by supporting violent government power.  If they can trick conservatives into suddenly supporting the lockdowns, curfews, and a national guard/military presence to stop the protests, then they will have defeated us without firing a shot. We will have defeated ourselves and our own constitutional principles.

The bottom line? More government power is NEVER the solution to any problem. Totalitarianism is never the answer.  There will now be endless excuses to declare martial law.  When the George Floyd riots fizzle out, there will be some other trigger event.  In fact, these riots are probably just a precursor to the riots that will rage when the public realizes the US economy is not coming back from the pandemic, and that more lockdowns are on the way.  I would not be surprised if the Floyd riots are even blamed for a resurgence of Covid infections, which would give the government a rationale for more lockdowns.  Beware anyone that uses martial law as the go to answer to these crisis events.

The solution in this case is to prosecute the police involved in the murder of George Floyd to the fullest extent of the law, point out that this is a problem of abuse of power and psychopathy, not a problem of race, and to stop outside interests from busing in provocateurs to trigger riots.  This is being done in some cases by the protestors themselves, who are exposing provocateurs within their ranks and filming them in the act.

The next best step is for businesses to secure and defend their own properties.  We have seen it time and time again; the buildings that have armed personnel on hand to guard them do not get torched.  Of course, right now a number of companies that have property damage due to rioters and looters are actually SUPPORTING the rioters and looters!  Corporations are falling all over themselves to praise the protests and even the riots based on race politics.  They are also pouring millions in cash into “social justice” groups.  We’re supposed to declare martial law and bring in the military to defend the property of companies that are vocal in their solidarity with the looters?  What kind of idiocy is that?  Just let them be looted if they are going to double-down on this hard-left madness.

If this current trend continues it would not surprise me at all if George Floyd becomes a forgotten footnote in the riots that were started in his name. If certain elites get their way, Americans will continue to riot without even knowing why, and those riots will never be aimed at the people that actually deserve it.  In the meantime, the establishment wants at least one side of the political spectrum, at least one half of the population, to support totalitarian measures, and they are clearly targeting conservatives with fear tactics in order to get us on board.

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