Fauci’s wife needs an investigation, too. Why was she ever placed in a position at NIH where she was the final arbiter of the ethics of her husband’s experiments?


Now that Dr. Anthony Fauci is feeling the heat for funding gain-of-function research at Wuhan Institute of Virology and covering it up, it’s time to scrutinize his wife. Christine Grady, MSN, Ph.D., is Fauci’s colleague at the National Institute of Health, where she serves as chief of bioethics and head of human subjects research at the NIH Clinical Center. According to the Center’s website, Grady’s contributions are “primarily in the ethics of clinical research, including informed consent, vulnerability, study design, recruitment, and international research ethics, as well as ethical issues faced by nurses and other health care providers.”

In a gushing portrait, Vogue portrayed Fauci and Grady as “a medical power couple leading the fight against the virus.” But taxpayers might not be so effusive about Mr. and Mrs. Fauci’s “international research ethics,” and “study design,” now that America’s economy and liberties have been destroyed by the Chinese virus they funded.

Why was Grady ever placed in a position at the NIH, where she was the final arbiter of the ethics of her husband’s experiments? If Fauci wanted to study gain-of-function research on lethal viruses, did he just need to roll over in bed and say, “Honey, is this OK?” to obtain “ethical” permission?

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