GERALD CELENTE – How To Survive The Coming Apocalypse. Guns, Gold, Cash, Food & Getaway Plan

GERALD CELENTE – How To Survive The Coming Apocalypse. Guns, Gold, Cash, Food & Getaway Plan
Earlier this week it was revealed that the Treasury Department was set to spend $200,000 dollars on survival kits to be delivered to every major bank in the United States which would include a solar blanket, food bar, water-purification tablets, a dust mask, bandages and medicines amongst numerous other items.
“The emergency supplies would be for every employee at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), which conducts on-site reviews of banks throughout the country,” Purchasing train tickets with cash, exiting a train before or after other passengers, or appearing calm or nervous are all examples of behavior that Amtrak “suspicious activity.”
Amtrak ticket agents. JPMorgan Chase has irked its customers by imposing new capital controls that mandate identification for cash deposits and ban cash being deposited into another person’s account.
The Justice Department is ordering bank employees to consider calling the cops on customers who withdraw $5,000 dollars or more, a chilling example of how the war on cash is intensifying.
Banks are already required to file ‘suspicious activity reports’ on their customers, with threats of fines and even jail time for directors if financial institutions don’t meet quotas.
The move is another example of how banks are becoming increasingly invasive and restrictive with how they treat their customers, while crypto-currency alternatives like Bitcoin offer total anonymity. Chase claims it is imposing the changes to prevent money laundering, although the policy is likely to cause massive inconvenience for families, such as parents who wish to deposit cash in accounts belonging to children who are away at college.
Meanwhile, in the UK, HSBC is now interrogating its account holders on how they earn and spend their money as well as restricting large cash withdrawals for customers from £5000 upwards. A larger global currency shift is underway… “gerald celente” survival apocalypse cash tax banking “bank account” surveillance money savings “savings account” 2015 2016 “cash deposit” withdrawal investment investing hsbc u.s. “united states” usa america “goldman sachs” gold history collapse “end game” bugout plan prepper prepare food news entertainment trending “bugout plan” food society “credit card” debt credit travel adventure tent account “gold coin” funding “elite nwo agenda” jsnip4 demcad trends in the news illuminati rothschild rothchilds cashless civil war russia ww3 ukraine nuke chicago false flag attack military industrial complex fcc canada ukip election revolution we the people anonymous 1% bilderberg 2015 george soros race war
Things are definitely in motion. Call it a game of musical chairs, or an exercise in rearranging chairs on the Titanic, or just that a tilting balance of power. Just don’t make the mistake of thinking this is all routine. And these are just the losses that we know about so far. It will be many months before the full scope of the financial devastation caused by the Swiss National Bank is fully revealed. But of course the same thing could be said about the crash in the price of oil that we have witnessed in recent weeks. These two “black swan events” have set financial dominoes in motion all over the globe. At this point we can only guess how bad the financial devastation will ultimately be. The “perfect-storm” of geopolitical instability, diplomatic isolation, severe currency depreciation, and economic decline now confronting Russia has profoundly damaged Moscow’s international standing, and possibly for the long-term.
Because, if and when hyperinflation starts people will quickly realize that their dollars are worthless. And as we have seen time and again, and most recently in Russia, when a currency rapidly loses its value the public will have no option but to panic buy everything that isn’t nailed down in an effort to unload their diminishing purchasing power before their currency is completely worthless. Williams says you will know hyperinflation is starting by watching the dollar. Being that we are undoubtedly involved in an economic war right here and now, it certainly makes sense that Russia and China will eventually move to crush the dollar. They’re not ready yet, but they will be soon. Imagine that next time around it happens to not just EBT cards, but ATM’s and bank accounts, or that the U.S. dollar itself crashes to such an extent that it is no longer feasible as a mechanism of exchange. The only saving grace you’ll have are the physical assets in your possession – your arable land, long-term food stores, gold and silver, and the post-collapse labor skills you’ve developed.

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