Gregory Mannarino: A Rapidly Developing Super-Crisis — You’re In One


From Gerald Celente’s Trends Journal:

The global economy is in FREEFALL, inflation is surging, and debts/deficits are skyrocketing. Real wages, personal income weighed against inflation, is CRATERING. Meanwhile, the US stock market after its rebound off the recent low, is only single digit percentage points away from all time highs.

Does this make sense to you? In short, it’s a freakshow.

Today here in the United States 20% of the population is unable to pay their energy bills—and this issue is much greater in parts of Europe.

People are deliberately being pushed beyond their breaking points all over the world, BY DESIGN.

Expect widespread protests to develop and spread. Protests which will eventually turn violent! Which will give governments the “false flag event” which they need to implement MORE CONTROL.

Global events may seem to be getting out of control, but nothing could possibly be farther from the truth. What we have is an environment moving from engineered crisis to engineered crisis, and all this is 100% deliberate.

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The current rapidly developing energy crisis is going to get much worse, globally. I would be willing to believe that we are in the early stages of a SUPER-crisis regarding energy. Moreover, surging energy prices will be blamed for skyrocketing global inflation—they need a scapegoat.

Make no mistake about it. Everything which we are seeing develop on the global stage is being directly driven by central banks who are working in concert to fulfill their endgame—to be the ruling body of the world.

All this is creating an entirely new demographic. Extreme haves, and extreme have-nots, with a global wipeout of the middle class. Wealth is being concentrated and re-distributed to a very small percentage of the population.

The established powers have gone out of their way to create the illusion of wealth being distributed in a more socialistic way—this was a distraction. The truth is that the movement of cash ALWAYS moves higher, straight up to the 1 and 2 percenters.

Yes, you were “sold” yet another lie. It wasn’t EVER socialism where we are going, that was the cover story, but to a concentration of power and wealth right up to the top.

I expect that the crisis-to-crisis phenomenon will not only continue but accelerate.

Never take your eye off the ball so to speak. What I mean by that is this—when your attention is being directed in whatever direction by the mainstream propaganda ministries and puppet politicians, ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE BEING MISLED… look in the opposite direction to find the truth.


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