Hillary cheating scandal erupts in Arizona

Thehornnews.com reports:
One voter posted a picture with the following explanation, “Fraud in AZ? I am a long time registered Dem. I was when I voted in Nov. and when I checked Feb. 15th. Today, Nada. Given a provisional ballot, and yes, I reported it.”

The larger concern is with previously independent voters who had registered as Democrats specifically to vote in Arizona’s primary. These voters are considered a major threat to Clinton, as they are believed to overwhelmingly support Sanders.
Some of those voters were turned away, and others were given provisional ballots that may not be counted at all. Those decisions are made independently by the local Recorder’s Office.

Sanders supporters went to social media in force to cry foul, many believing that the Clinton campaign had a hand in the alleged election fraud.




26 thoughts on “Hillary cheating scandal erupts in Arizona”

  1. My wife and I attempted to vote in the Missouri primary but we were told our voter registration had expired. I didn’t think much about it at the time. After the debacle in Arizona, I still didn’t think much about what happened on March 15th. Two days ago, my wife and I received our voter registration cards in the mail. Now, I’m getting suspicious.

  2. Absolute total bull. No official agency has been asked to look into involvement by Hillary Clinton in voter irregularities in Arizona. Read the article. Its only reference to Clinton is in the first paragraph with states “Hillary Clinton has been accused…” By whom? Where? Again, total bull.

    • There are a number of investigations, but HRC is hardly being named as a suspect. I’m a Bernie supporter, but this article (and especially the headline) is shoddy and intentionally misleading.

    • Bernie supporter here, yeah you have a point but it does say the accusation comes from “1000’s of voters.” Maybe the goal is to publicize it till a real investigation happens? I haste this click bait method though implying its coming from the FBI or something.

  3. The vote has been rigged for years. There were over 10,000 incidences of voter fraud in one of monkey bushs elections. Voting is only for stupid sheeple.
    The entire government are evil treasonous criminals. The day of the next false flag using the nuke they stole in 2007 and blamed on Iran, America will be destroyed by Russia, China and the SCO. This is the war of Armageddon and you can know it is now because of Planet X and the toxic chemtrails that hide it every day. Planet X will end the war when it rips the earth apart again but 90% of Americans will be dead already. All planned by your evil government.

    • Then you won’t be voting because they all do on both sids….here pick one of the 20 scumbags we put up for you to pick from…its over, the countries gone..

  4. The vote has been rigged for years. Voting is only for the stupid sheeple so they think they have some control and dont revolt.
    The entire government are evil treasonous criminals. The day of the next false flag using the nuke they stole in 2007 and blamed on Iran, America will be destroyed by Russia, China and the SCO. This is the war of Armageddon and you can know it is now because of Planet X and the toxic chemtrails that hide it every day. Planet X will end the war when it rips the earth apart again but 90% of Americans will be dead already. All planned by your evil government.

    • USAinc this country went into receivership long ago and the real owners call the shots of who will run the corporation as its figure head….NOT the people ,,,so yes you are 100% right only stupid sheep believe they have a say…

  5. Time for Trump to start courting Sander supporters. They will not vote for HC and if Trump brought Sanders in the administration it would be game over for lyin HC.


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