How’s that “most robust recovery in modern history” working out for YOU?

by Boo_Randy

Biden claims his administration has achieved the most ‘robust recovery in modern history’ – despite gas prices more than DOUBLING since he entered office, approval in his handling of the economy plummeting and inflation at a 40-year high

  • An economics expert told that President Biden’s comments prove he is ‘out of touch’ with how most Americans view the economy
  • Biden credited ‘the economic plan and the vaccination plan that my Administration put into action’ for what he calls a ‘robust’ economic recovery
  • Meanwhile average gas prices hit just over $4.86 per gallon nationwide
  • In late January when Biden took office, the average cost was just $2.39
  • Multiple polls in recent days show more than 80% of Americans unhappy with the economy, and suggest it’s going to have a significant impact on midterms


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