I’m jealous of attractive Women on youtube with their millions of simp followers making these women an easy 200-300k a year from views!

by AC

No talent involved, no skills, they were just born with a pretty face.

Does it really take talent to film yourself waking up, brushing your teeth, reading, drinking coffee and labeling it, “How I start my day”


I just saw a video of a pretty girl doing this, she had to have been 21-23. She was in a luxury apt in a high rise building. All financed by her 2 million followers of simps.

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Reading the comments on her videos makes me sick and it makes hate men.

Life is a game like they say, and in a game you have difficulty levels to choose from. When you are born good looking, you will be playing on “easy mode”

Its not just her, ive seen similar videos like hers by other young women. Garaunteed they make over 150k a yr from their youtube.

These are the type of bitches who will tell others, “work hard like i did”

Bullshit, its more like, “hit the genetic lottery like I did”


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