KanYe West Red Pills Alex Jones About National Socialism and Hitler

by Chris Black

If you’ve missed Alex Jones show today, you must go watch it on Banned Video or Odysee.

It’s amazing how the craziest thing to ever happen on Alex Jones’ show is someone telling the truth.

Alex Jones is completely flummoxed that Ye is not cooperating with the usual alt-light script on the Nazis and Hitler.

Alex Jones is a cuckservative wanker. Just a low IQ Ben Shapiro.

Kanye West refuses to stick to the alt lite script, his political instincts are much better than Jones and Fuentes.

Look at how Jones tries to deploy his repertoire of whoppers about COVID, illuminati depopulation agendas, and George Soros being a Jew-hating Nazi to try and get Ye’s focus off of the demonstrable fact that Jews run America.

It’s good to see that narrative unravel.

It’s very refreshing to see someone challenge the carefully constructed alt-conservative narrative on Jews and Hitler directly to their face.


They know their pro-Jewish talking points can’t stand up to scrutiny.

Apparently they thought they had Ye under wraps and could get him into the “not all jews” camp or the “Nazis are the worst thing and THE LEFT are Nazis” camp.

They failed. Jones would never have taken the interview had he known.

Good for Ye.

How long before Milo and Alex Jones start echoing the mainstream media screaming that Kanye is “off his meds”?? He is actively calling out the JEWISH ruling class, not just “the ruling class” and tearing down carefully constructed narratives that were years in the making, many that alt-conservative “dissidents” carefully adhered to until Ye did his thing.

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Nick Fuentes needs to get Ye in a room and plot how to get rid of Milo.  Ye got dumped from the entire music industry because he was being managed and handled by a bunch of Jews.

He lost $1 billion in a day, was exiled to the extreme right, and what happens?  He is immediately swarmed over by a different set of Jews to manage and handle him.  Alex Jones takes Jew money, Milo is a Jew, and I have no doubt AF has taken it because why else would Nick endorse Loomer, a hideous Zionist funded by wealthy Jews?

Nick should take the opportunity presented by his association with Ye to get a new source of funding for AF and dump Milo, Loomer and the Jew money men behind the scenes for good.  If he did that, AF would have potential to do some good.

Until that happens, Nick is just going to be another element (wittingly or unwittingly) in one more Jewish attempt to manage and handle Ye.

I’m willing to believe Kanye West might actually be an instrument of God at this point.

Today was the Cuckpocalypse.

Another EXTREMELY interesting aspect of Ye’s statements on Alex Jones today will be to see how Elon Musk reacts.

This is the ultimate test of free speech.  Can you question the 6 million, and can you say good things about Hitler?

If we can do those things on Twitter, Jewish power will rapidly be eroded.

They can’t let it happen.

But because Ye is so big and his voice so prominent, there is no way Musk can NOT allow these positions on his platform without exposing he is not in favor of free speech.

Ye is putting all kinds of people in uncomfortable positions today.

This is terrific.

It’s all about moving the Overton window; Trump is not moving the Overton window, DeSantis is not moving the Overton Window, Kanye West is moving the Overton Window and that’s the only thing that matters now.

With Musk opening up Twitter again and by many signs showing that he is opposing the ADL which is to say jewish censor power – we may have the conditions for a new meme war.


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