Liberal utopia of Seattle: Crime, homeless & prostitution on the rise…let’s make sure our totem poles are PC!

by DCG

You cannot make this up.

Seattle has had a homeless crisis for over three years. They allow the homeless to urinate and defecate in public. Homeless are allowed to shoot up drugs openly on city streets.

Crime is rampant and Seattle Police are slow to respondProstitution is on the rise.

Seattle has a lot of critical issues to deal with right now. So, naturally, what could be the most important issue for the progressive Seattle Clown Council to address?

Whether or not totem poles throughout the city are “culturally sensitive.”

As reported by SF Gate:

Seattle is planning to review the iconic totem poles located in the city in consideration of cultural concerns.

KOMO-TV reports that the Seattle City Council on Wednesday discussed a proposal for landmarks boards and city agencies to evaluate the public art works.

The council would then engage with community members on the art’s historical and cultural relevance to decide the next steps.

Seattle City Councilmember Debora Juarez, a member of the Blackfeet Nation, had called for such a review last summer and took issue with the city seal that features a “fake” Chief Seattle.

Totem poles are one of the city’s icons and can be seen in school campuses, government office buildings and city parks, including next to the famous Pike Place Market.

There’s no cost associated with the proposal.”

I’m fresh out of empathy for Seattle voters. You voted these clowns in, you reap the consequences.


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