Major Scandal: U.S. Congressman Says That There Was A ‘Concerted Effort’ Within The FBI To Help Hillary Clinton Win The Election

By Michael Snyder
Did the FBI attempt to swing the outcome of the 2016 election in a certain direction?  I know that question sounds completely outrageous, but this is exactly what one member of Congress is now claiming.  For a long time we have known that elements within the Deep State have been actively working to undermine the Trump administration, but now solid evidence is emerging that the interference by the Deep State actually began during the presidential election.  As more details come out, this could easily become one of the biggest political scandals in U.S. history.
If you think that I am exaggerating, please consider what U.S. Representative Jim Jordan told Lou Dobbs just the other day

Rep. Jim Jordan: Listen you can’t make this stuff up. It gets worse each and every day… What deep down scares me, if this actually happened the FBI had a concerted effort with the people at the top to go after one party’s nominee to help the other party’s nominee. If that actually happened in the United States of America and everything each and every day points to more and more likely that that is what took place, it is sad for our country if that took place. And I think it did based on everything I am seeing. All the evidence points to that.

You can watch Jordan making these comments on YouTube right here
So what kind of evidence are we talking about?
Well, I am sure that Jordan has access to evidence that we currently do not, but one thing that we do have are extremely chilling text messages sent between FBI agent Peter Strzok and lawyer Lisa Page.  The following comes from Paul Joseph Watson

Amidst the 10,000 text messages sent between anti-Trump FBI agent Peter Strzok and lawyer Lisa Page is a bizarre exchange revealing how the two, almost certainly with Deputy FBI Director Andy McCabe, discussed an “insurance policy” in case Donald Trump won the presidential election.
“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way [Trump] gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” Strzok wrote to his mistress, adding, “It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.”

Strzok needs to be brought before Congress as soon as possible so that he can explain exactly what he meant in those messages.  Because there is no way that an FBI agent should ever make statements like that, and even those in the liberal media are saying that this “looks very bad”

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What kind of “insurance policy” were high level members of the FBI discussing to prevent Trump from winning the election less than three months before it took place?
As the Daily Beast’s Lachlan Markay, hardly a Trump cheerleader, notes, “This looks very bad.”

As Congress digs into this scandal, I would expect more shocking details to emerge.
It is imperative to remember that the establishment absolutely loathes Trump.  The hate everything that he stands for, and they are not willing to wait around until the 2020 election in order to get rid of him.
For the establishment, the goal is to personally destroy Trump and the movement that he represents.  In the past, it would have been unthinkable for television news anchors to talk hopefully about the possibility of the president and his team going to jail, but that is precisely what happened on MSNBC just a few days ago…

As the “noose” of Robert Mueller’s probe into the Trump team’s contacts with Russia is “tightening,” members of the administration are starting to understand they’re going “to jail … for the rest of their lives,” MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski said Tuesday.
“Knowing them, I think they’re shocked that the noose is tightening,” Brzezinski said. “I don’t know if they were arrogant or incredibly un-self aware and really dumb about what the job was about, how important it was, and how under the microscope every move you made would be. I think they just thought they’d go in there and riff through it. And I think they’re shocked that the noose is tightening and that people might go to jail.”
“You’re exactly right,” her co-host and fiancé, Joe Scarborough, agreed.
“For the rest of their lives,” Brzezinski added, perhaps hopefully.

President Trump is not going to prison, and the entire Russian collusion investigation is a giant witch hunt.
Everyone knows this, but the establishment is so desperate to get rid of Trump that they will grasp at anything that even sounds remotely plausible.
And at this point, the entire Republican Party has become fair game for the psychopaths at MSNBC.  For example, during one recent segment Democratic pollster Fernand Amandi actually referred to the GOP as “a domestic terror group”

“And I think Joy, this is emblematic, this CHIP scenario, where you mentioned 9 million children, children, without health insurance. I think if you take a step back, one has to ask themselves, and I think the American people should ask themselves the broader question, what has the Republican Party, in the last 10 years, done to help the American people? What have they done? This is not a political party. This is a domestic terror group.

This kind of hateful rhetoric has got to stop.
Does Amandi really believe that Republicans should be rounded up and put in prison?  Because that is what happens to people that commit acts of domestic terror.
Or maybe he would like to see us all shipped off to Guantanamo Bay.  It is this sort of tyrannical thinking by the radical left that resulted in tens of millions of deaths in Stalin’s Russia and Mao’s China.
We are literally locked in a battle for the future of this nation, and if we lose, things are not just going to go bad for Trump and other high level members of the Republican Party.
If we ultimately lose this struggle, it will be a nightmare for all of us that truly love liberty and freedom, and America as we know it today will cease to exist.


3 thoughts on “Major Scandal: U.S. Congressman Says That There Was A ‘Concerted Effort’ Within The FBI To Help Hillary Clinton Win The Election”

  1. The DEMs terrorist has just declared WAR on the US. OUR SPIES HAVE TO CHANGE WITHIN THEIR AGENCIES AND GET OUT OF THE BUSINESS OF SUPPORTING THE CRIME SYNDICATES. TIME TO GET BACK TO BEING THE GOOD GUYS! The times are ah changin … GAME ON … its time to take out the trash, fix the leaks and flush the toilets! Trump is the plumber who will show you his bum when he is fixing your toilet. The job gets done and it’s done right! He does not care if the turd is republican, democrat, or other, white, journalist, CIA, NSA, FBI, black or brown he sees a POS that got to go down the drain! God bless all the plumbers in the world who keep the toilets flushing!
    The fight continues..time to purge the criminals and hang the traitors from our political system … time to apprehend those who would trash our Constitution, violate our laws, willfully destroy our Christian principles! If you work for a TLA dot gov agency and know the truth, honor your oath, NOW! This is NOT the time for good men to do nothing!
    Again I SAY this…..

    • If you want to pull out the corruption plant in DC, you have to go after the Clintons, not the pawns. The FBI has a sordid history of partiality, mainly because of the long tenure of J Edgar Hoover. It has been a threat to the rights of US citizens since its very inception! If Trump really wants to clean out the corruption at the FBI, he should also investigate the FBI’s roles in entrapping “terrorists” into committing “terrorism” on American soil and then covering up the whole thing! We were all brought up to believe that the FBI were the good guys, but the more I see and read lately, it’s almost as if they are the present-day version of the Gestapo.

  2. I think it can’t even be reasonably questioned — of course they tried to help Hitlery win the election. They even went further and helped her escape jail (even if we don’t assume that theories like “her no-security email server was used to deliver information to Clinton Foundation donors” are true, compare what happened to her (NOTHING) to what happens to a military person who accidentally leaves a classified file in a restaurant after a work dinner (YEARS of prison)).
    The Bush/Clinton crime family needs to go to prison with the key thrown away.


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