May Day rallies in Europe urge more help as inflation bites (sheeple being sheeple)

by Boo_Randy

The stupid, it burns. These leftist sheeple think their governments, who like ours are bought & paid for by the oligarchs and corporations who are the exclusive beneficiaries of the central bankers’ “No Billionaire Left Behind” monetary policies, are going to “help” them deal with the soaring cost of living? That’s adorable. When tens of thousands of people are marching on the central banks, then and only then will the elites sit up and take notice.

Tens of thousands of people marched Sunday in cities around Europe for May Day protests to honor workers and shame governments into doing more for their citizens. In France, protesters shouted slogans against newly elected President Emmanuel Macron, a development that may set the tone for his second term.

Tensions erupted in Paris, as some demonstrators smashed windows at some banks, a fast-food restaurant and a real estate agency, apparently partially the work of masked men dressed in black. French police moved in, firing rounds of tear gas. That failed to stop a woman from attacking a firefighter trying to douse a street fire.

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