Media panic as White House lets lesser known outlets ask questions… NYT 'reprimands' reporter for calling Melania 'hooker'

The mainstream media isn’t liking the new set up at the White House: Lesser name news outlets are being called on during press briefings, rather than the old, established bellwethers.
During his press conference with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, President Donald Trump called on two news outlets: WJLA a local ABC news affiliate, and the Daily Caller. Both failed to ask him about the fate of his national security adviser Gen. Michael Flynn, who has been marred in a controversy that he spoke to Russian authorities before Mr. Trump took office.
And the mainstream media immediately pounced – saying Mr. Trump was picking favorites in order to avoid questioning on Mr. Flynn.
“By handpicking reporters, Trump manages to get through a news conference without being asked about Flynn,” New York Times reporter Peter Baker lamented on Twitter – failing to mention that all U.S. presidents handpick reporters.
Bloomberg’s Angela Greiling Keane helped him clarify.
New York Times Reporter Reprimanded for “Hooker” Comment About Melania Trump

The comment became public knowledge on Monday after supermodel Emily Ratajkowski stated that she heard what was said and was outraged over it.

A New York Times reporter has been reprimanded by the paper for a comment made about first lady Melania Trump.
The reporter made the comment on Sunday during a New York Fashion Week event. The newspaper did not identify the name of the staffer.
“At a party last night, a Times reporter who does not cover Washington or politics, referred to an unfounded rumor regarding Melania Trump,” the newspaper said in a statement. “The comment was not intended to be public, but it was nonetheless completely inappropriate and should not have occurred. Editors have talked to the reporter in question about the lapse.”
Archbishop says it’s amazing ‘how hostile press is’ to Trump
Philadelphia Archbishop Charles J. Chaput told a radio talk show host Monday that he believes fewer than 25 percent of those working in the “mainstream … elite” media have religious faith, and expressed surprise at what he termed was media hostility to President Trump.

“It’s just amazing to me how hostile the press is to everything the president does,” Chaput told the California-based Hugh Hewitt, a Catholic conservative.
“I don’t want to be partisan in my comments here, but it seems to me if we are really serious about our common responsibilities, we support the president,” Chaput said, “whether we accept everything he stands for or not, and wish him success rather than trying to undermine him.

“The elite, of course, kind of pooh-pooh religious faith … very deliberately,” Chaput said. “It is important to us not to desire to be a part of that with the elite, to the point that we give up our faith.”
He did not offer any data to support his contention that news media are markedly less religious than the general public — an idea Hewitt proposed to him.

6 thoughts on “Media panic as White House lets lesser known outlets ask questions… NYT 'reprimands' reporter for calling Melania 'hooker'”

  1. If Flynn has resigned, then what a relief. Now, perhaps Trump can choose someone who will advise on how to get the US out of Syria, Yemen and other places we don’t need to be and the American people don’t want to be.

  2. Calling Melania a hooker was pretty crude and vilt and untrue. Why didn’t someone have the guts to ask bozo about Wookie being a man or a tranny? Nooooooooo they didn’t do that because it was TRUE and bozo didn’t want America to know they had been duped and lied to about what Wookie really was.

  3. Where were the so called established media when ovomit was in office?? they wouldn’t question him on damn thing,. they in fact championed his every move and would have in all likelihood applauded had he farted in their faces..

  4. “Bellweathers”? More like bed-wetters. He needs to make them irrelevant. If he doesn’t they will continue to act like they owe them an explanation. Who’s in charge here? Soros’ little helpers are going to eat him for lunch.


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