Not enough physical silver to cover paper – former U.S. Mint Director (silver up 135%, us dollar down 12.3% since covid outbreak) a sign of the times

by confoundedinterest17

As Petula Clark once sang, “A sign of the times.”

As I tried to buy physical silver from, I was denied. Item currently not available!

Unfortunately, we are seeing shortages of both physical gold and silver. Check out gold and silver prices against the US Dollar since Covid outbreak in March 2020. Gold is up 27% since March 18, 2020 and silver is a whopping 135%!

The US Dollar has lost 12.3% since March 20, 2020.

Ed Moy, who was the director of the U.S. Mint between 2006 and 2011, cites the inability of the mints around the world to keep up with physical coin and bar demand as a reason for this shortage.

Not only the U.S. Mint, but other Mints around the world, Australia’s Perth Mint, the Mexican Mint, have all run out of gold, they can’t keep it in spot and there’s so many shortages retailers are having problems accessing that gold,” Moy told Michelle Makori, Kitco’s editor-in-chief.

Want to be scared into buying physical gold and silver?

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