Obama Breaks Oath of Office signs UN Gun Ban treaty, Gun Confiscation day after christmas

UN: 122 nation gun ban, including the USA, effective this Christmas
The UN Arms Trade Treaty [ATT], signed by the Obama regime, is set to go into effect this Christmas. At least that is what the United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs [UNODA] is saying.
According to the UNODA website, the Obama regime signed the treaty on September, 25 2013. UNODA says the treaty will “go into force” on December 24th, 2014 in 122 nations. However, UNODA does admit that in 68 of those nations, no legislative body has actually approved the treaties.
The UN ATT is essentially a global ban on private gun ownership. Each signatory agrees to relinquish national sovereignty and place the UN in charge of enacting gun laws. Each signatory also agrees to enforce whatever gun laws the UN so desires.
In the past 100 years, governments have killed more people than any other cause. The UN wants to make sure that trend continues.
Obama violated the US Constitution and his oath of office by agreeing to the “treaty.”
For a full text of the ATT,
The UN Arms Trade Treaty [ATT], signed by the Obama regime, is set to go into effect this Christmas. At least that is what the United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs [UNODA] is saying.
According to the UNODA website, the Obama regime signed the treaty on September, 25 2013. UNODA says the treaty will “go into force” on December 24th, 2014 in 122 nations. However, UNODA does admit that in 68 of those nations, no legislative body has actually approved the treaties.
The UN ATT is essentially a global ban on private gun ownership. Each signatory agrees to relinquish national sovereignty and place the UN in charge of enacting gun laws. Each signatory also agrees to enforce whatever gun laws the UN so desires.
In the past 100 years, governments have killed more people than any other cause. The UN wants to make sure that trend continues.

13 thoughts on “Obama Breaks Oath of Office signs UN Gun Ban treaty, Gun Confiscation day after christmas”

  1. Have you ever heard of an ARMY that was not allowed to have arms/weapons by It’s own government?
    Find one government in the entire history of humanity that felt a need to document a “RIGHT” for it’s soldiers to carry weapons.
    The claim that the Government wrote the 2nd Amendment to give Our soldiers a “right” to carry weapons is S-T-U-P-I-D.
    The only reason for the Second Amendment is to clearly spell-out the GOD GIVEN RIGHT of INDIVIDUALS to keep & bear ARMS.
    The only reason for the BILL(list) of RIGHTS was to codify INDIVIDUALS’ GOD GIVEN RIGHTS.
    Has there ever been a government that was not chock full of it’s “rights” up to and including declaring itself to be the Lord God Almighty?!
    Does the 1st Amendment mean the GOVERNMENT is allowed to give speeches? Try shutting up any Government.
    Anyone who tells you the 2nd Amendment applies to the Army or State Militia, is telling you they think you are STUPID.
    There has NEVER been a government that felt it had to codify it’s army’s/soldier’s “RIGHT” to “Keep and BEAR ARMS” because there has NEVER been a government that refused to allow It’s own soldiers to KEEP and BEAR ARMS!

  2. I would love to tell the UN and this traitor piece of crap president bring it on, your going to lose, with all that fantastic equipment and all those dumb socialist using said equipment your in for a big surprise. We will take said equipment and use it against you. Be careful what you wish for ,you will you just might get it. How any man could call himself a man and serve a traitor regardless of his rank is beyond me. It was written long ago who wins and who loses and your dumb asses either cannot read or comprehend or both. Real men do not recognize the United Nations, nor the traitor in the white house. Do not mistake patience for weakness, or you are a fool.

  3. My fellow gun owners, why do you worry so much about some impossible to carry out gun grabs?
    These gun bans can only happen with the cooperation of gun owners.
    Noncompliance is all that is needed to render any laws by any man, government or UN body null & void.
    If government laws can’t even prevent people from acquiring pot, then how the hell do they expect to remove the tools that defend our lives?
    Remember, it can only take place with our cooperation.

    • Removing guns will not be anywhere near as difficult as you think. Today, it will not be hand to hand, or gun to gun confrontations as our forefathers fought.
      The U.S. Military, along with China and Russia, have weapons you and I have never even heard of or could think would even exist.
      Also, if the gun owners wait until the foreign troops are at their door, it will be way too late to react.
      We are a nation distracted by numerous topics and ideologies that separate us. We argue things that are completely meaningless to those who control us. Yes, like it or not you are controlled!
      We have a Treasonous Congress, a Treasonous President, and a Treasonous Military, and yet the public’s mindset is that of what we were 100 years ago.
      If the asleep public haven’t awaken by now, you can bet that they aren’t going to wake up ever! They still believe whatever pablum is fed to them and they swallow ever lie as pure truth.

    • If you keep your guns like barbie doll in your adult life and play with it in your closet then your 100% right. Your are not a threat to the corrupt system and should not worry a bit. I mean how often do you see a person on the street with his or her gun even though he supposedly “protected by law” to carry. I’ve never seen a person with any type of weapon. The elites already won the battle field. now its matter of cleaning up the neighborhood and that is very easy especially with cops being immune from any repercussion of shooting you and with bad economy when your neighbor love to report your A for a few bucks.
      The elites don’t care if you wake up or not and again you are not a threat at all. what can you do with your gun anyway?
      The only people the elites are afraid of is military man grouping together for a cause. that’s why they are trying to keep them aboard fighting bogus wars for many years to come. when they do arrive home, their suffering from PDSD and they no longer have right to have or use gun. beside Police Department they get recruited with other corrupt agencies.

  4. Very disturbing. Treaties have equal weight with constitutional law in the US. Of course, to have any weight at all a treaty must also be approved by the US Senate.
    Not good odds of that happening.


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