Paywall activated, please subscribe.

The paywall will only appear after first 50 free articles every month. You are still be able to read the first 300 words of each article when paywall appears. The current speech censorship operation is led by governments, they work with social media and search engine companies to suppress and censor information and opinion that contradict their narratives. Tech giants are using the false construct of “hate speech and misinformation” to silence FREE SPEECH and preventing us from accessing the majority of the advertising market. To afford free speech, IWB needs to be fully reader-funded. Please subscribe and donate when possible.

You can cancel your subscription in your account at any time.

Due to our current financial situation, we cannot begin to remove ads for subscribers until the number has increased enough to cover the necessary operating expenses. If we weren’t on the brink, we wouldn’t even consider a paywall.

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You may log in and manage your subscription after signing up.

When the advertisers started to reduce their spending on us in 2018, the harm seemed manageable until Google blacklisted us in 2022. Due to Google banning us from their server, which most ad networks utilize to display their adverts, our largest advertising network, IC, is unable to provide us with any advertisements. I’ve started looking for a variety of ad networks to fill our open spaces, however the revenue is far less than it used to be. This, I assume, is also happening on other conservative media websites.

The current censorship is already affecting our next generation. Kids, teens and young adults who have little or no access to conservative voices on the internet—are now leaning more to the left. If you are unable to subscribe or donate, please help us in spreading our message by sharing our contents.

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