Personal Debt Hits RECORD HIGH! This is What Happens When You Can’t Pay Off Your Debt!

It’s quite simple. Central banks create a system that ensures individuals purchasing power will be destroyed. They continuously feed this system and through generations, the problems are only magnified. People accumulate debt at varying levels of interest over their lifetimes and this eventually becomes a burden. When the repayments begin to occupy and consume much of the income of individuals, this will certainly be met with disaster. If you consume more than you are able to afford, eventually this will result in failure on more than one level. What is your opinion on our debt-based monetary system?

The amount of money that people spend on their groceries, the energy bills, their houses are continuously increasing. Little by little and sometimes in big strides. They generally increase faster than wages and so on a long timeline, we see the purchasing power of our currencies declining. It hasn’t been a mystery as to why this is happening, since we already know the central banks have made this their entire agenda. The only question is: what will people do?


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