Rand Paul Drops Bomb On Traitor McConnell’s ‘Secret Deal’ With Dems

The unfolding saga of President Biden’s attempt at packing the SCOTUS is unraveling.

At the beginning of July, a rumor about the plans began, as reported by Republic Brief’s Donovan citing a report by Jezebel:

“Less than a week after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, President Joe Biden is set to nominate anti-abortion Republican lawyer Chad Meredith to a lifetime federal judgeship in Kentucky, reportedly in exchange for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R) “agreeing not to hold up future federal nominations by the Biden White House,” according to the Courier-Journal.

Meredith, a Federalist Society member, defended a 2017 Kentucky abortion law “requiring doctors who perform abortions to first perform an ultrasound and describe the image to the patient.” Note that the Federalist Society is responsible for basically handpicking Republicans’ Supreme Court nominees and ensuring that they would overturn Roe.

There are no current judicial vacancies open in Kentucky, but the Courier-Journal reports that the deal is in place for as soon as one opens.”

Republic Brief’s Donovan then reported backlash to the breaking news.


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